
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Fury as Southern Rail make £100m profit & get £20m Govt “bailout”

In news that will make rail users across the country angry, but probably not surprised, Southern Rail’s owner announced their profits hit £100m and also received a £20m Government “bailout.” If that wasn’t enough bad, boss David Brown got a pay rise. He will get £2.16 million in 2016, up from £1.96 during 2015. Brown’s bumper pay rise will still go-ahead in spite of being the head of a network that has the worst punctuality record of any franchise in the...

SpaceX Rocket Carrying Facebook’s First Satellite Explodes

The Falcon 9 rocket carrying Facebook's first satellite has exploded on Cape Canaveral launch pad. SpaceX - a privately-owned aerospace company - operates out of the Florida base next to Kennedy Space Center and was carrying out routine rocket tests when a huge explosion was heard. According to the Mail Online, buildings several miles away shook from the blast and multiple explosions continued for several minutes. Explosion at SpaceX launch site at Cape Canaveral: media reports — Reuters Top...

Poll indicates majority of British people want a Burka ban

A shocking poll by YouGov has found that people in the UK support a ban on wearing the Burka by a two to one majority. After the furore regarding women being banned from wearing burkinis on certain beaches in France, these findings will concern many Muslim women who wear the Islamic attire. Images circulated of a woman being forced to remove her burkini by four police officers carrying guns, or she would have faced a fine. The decision to ban...

Watch – This will be “the worst doctors’ strike in NHS history,” claims Hunt

Jeremy Hunt has been hitting the TV networks today claiming that the planned five-day strike by junior doctors, will be the worst in the history of the UK’s public health service. In front of Sky News cameras he told the nation: “Patients will be asking why it is that the BMA, who only in May said ‘this deal is a good deal for doctors, a good deal for patients, it’s good for the NHS, it’s good for equality’, are now...

Watch – Mexico will have to pay for the wall ‘100%,’ says Trump

US Presidential hopeful, who is tipped to win, Donald Trump made a trip south of the border, to Mexico, yesterday and met with their President Enrique Pena Nieto. It was a landmark meeting as Trump hasn’t been very complimentary about people from Mexico in the past. He once, among other shocking statements, said this about his Mexicans neighbours: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that...

Shocking Number of Youngsters Experiencing Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

A new survey that examines the drinking habits of young Brits has found that a typical under 25 year-old has five-times experienced a memory blank after drinking alcohol since turning 18, with 17 per cent experiencing a “blackout "ten times or more". Whilst these numbers are shocking it seems the severity of the situation is not hitting home with the demographic. The truth is 54 per cent said they would probably repeat their antics within a month. The findings also...

UN tells France its burkini ban was a ‘stupid reaction’ to Islamic extremism

The UN was not impressed with France’s attempt to ban the burkini in around thirty coastal towns in France. The French high court overturned the ban and said it was clearly illegal, however presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy said he would enshrine the ban into national law, if he wins the contest, next year. It has been reported that some of the towns are ignoring the high court ruling and are continuing to fine women wearing a burkini and making them...

Number of Pregnant Women Forced to Leave Their Job Doubles

The number of pregnant and new mothers forced to leave their jobs has almost doubled in the past ten years. According to the Women and Equalities Committee, some 54,000 women were asked to leave their jobs, underscoring a "shocking" increase in discrimination. Oliver Black, director of My Family Care, said: "There is already nervousness within some industry’s about the redundancy of someone who is pregnant – certainly within areas like the financial services sector, people tend to tread very carefully. "However, what...

Costa Rica on way to going a full year using only renewable energy

Incredible news has come out from Central America. Cost Rica has managed to power itself using only renewable energy for over one hundred days reports the Independent. It is a fantastic achievement and now the nation wants to push for a whole year without having to use fossils fuels. Currently the small nation has gone 121 days without using energy that has a negative impact on the environment. In 2015 renewable energy accounted for 99 per cent of Costa Rica’s...

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