Those calling for parliament to be recalled may find some uncomfortable truths awaiting them.
Elon Musk just responded to the threat posed by the far-right on his channel in the worst possible way.
Soon, the unstoppable marching of time will hit the Conservatives, too.
If non-voting was a party, it would have won the largest share of the vote by far in the election. That is deeply concerning.
Soon, the past five years will seem like a bad dream.
His empathetic strategy focused on giving people a second chance reflects values I worried had been lost under the current Labour leadership.
It reinforces our worst suspicions about politicians – that they are all in it for themselves and that they are all as bad as each other.
There is no mainstreaming or rise of far-right politics without the active involvement of mainstream forces who normalise and platform them.
Advocates of electoral change might find their saviour in the unlikeliest of people. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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