
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Disposable income growth worst in London

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor New research has revealed that London has half of the ten worst performing areas for an increase in disposable income. Over the last five years Londoners have been squeezed by rising housing costs and also lower bonuses for those in the financial services industry, which has accounted for the slowdown. The City of London and Camden were the only places in the UK to have seen a decrease between 2009 and 2013, according to figures...

Worrying spread of drug-resistant ‘super-gonorrhoea’ across UK

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Health experts have reported that a “super-gonorrhea” STI is quickly spreading across Britain and it is highly drug-resistant. This has led to senior medics warning that is will soon become untreatable. This robust STI was first found in the North of England, but it has now been seen in the West Midlands and in the South East, Public Health England (PHE) has warned. The “Super-gonorrhoea” is very resistant to the treatment, antibiotic which is called...

List of 300 Tory MPs who blocked inquiry into Panama Scandal

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Last week there was a vote in the House of Commons for a public inquiry into the Panama scandal. The leak has brought the world's attention to shady tax havens and how people squirrel their money away. The people of the UK probably want answers, but we won't get any as 300 Tory MPs voted to block the inquiry, against 266 MPs who would like an open debate about it. Here is the list below...

VIDEO – Canadian PM explains quantum computing, could Cameron?

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor When a journalist half-asked Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to explain quantum computing, he probably didn’t expect an answer. However, he was surprised when the young left-wing PM gave clear and concise answer to the question, during a press conference at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He replied: “Very simply…normal computers work, either there’s power going through a wire or not—a one, or a zero. They’re binary systems,” said Trudeau, triggering a wave of surprised...

Headteacher’s resignation letter due to Tory academy plans

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A dedicated headteacher has quit in protest at Tory plans to force schools to become academies. Pupils and parents at the County Durham School are reportedly “heartbroken” that Jeremy Gargan has left his role. He wrote a scathing letter about the Conservative Government’s plans to change all schools into academies. Gargan wrote that he can’t work in “an education system that I do not believe in.” Until the letter was written he ran Aycliffe Village...

And the winner is…Boaty McBoatface

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The battle to win the name of the new polar research vessel has been won by Boaty McBoatface. Many people will be overjoyed with this news, but NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) boss has final say on the mater and there are concerns about the burden of public opinion and the credibility of the organisation. As the votes were counted it was obvious that Boaty McBoatface was going to be the winner. The suggestion of this...

Black Labour MP said BBC staff assumed TV director sister was a cleaner

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor During a House of Commons debate, Labour MP Chi Onwurah told the house a story about her sister’s treatment at the BBC. She said: “My brother and sister both worked for the BBC as filmmakers, although they no longer do so. Their experience has informed my views, not always positively. "On my sister’s first day as a director at the BBC, she was automatically shown to the cleaning room to join the cleaning team. "It...

Nearly 10 MILLION meals handed out by food banks in one year

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor There were ten million meals given out to broke Brits last year, and almost four million of those went to feed hungry kids. The Trussell Trust shared out more than 1.1million three-day food provisions, with over four hundred thousand going to children. The food bank operator food supplies contain three meals for each day, which adds up to 9,983,781 meals over the year. This is an increase of 220,000 meals in comparison in the year...

VIDEO – Question Time audience member attacks Tory MEP over cuts

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A very irate audience member laid into Tory MEP Daniel Hannan during Question Time on the BBC from Doncaster. Eventually the staff took the microphone away, it looked like she could have went on all night. There were cheers when she said the PM had “stripped us of everything” during years of austerity. She said: “we were told a lie. We were told a lie. We were told we had to take austerity. We were...

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