
The latest local and national UK and International news.

PMQS 7th September – First day getting on my nerves

It was the first day back at school and so much had gone on since last term. I was half expecting the leaders to share their summer break stories through the medium of song. Perhaps a version of Summer Nights from Grease? *Gove saved her life she nearly drowned. Boris showed off splashing around.* Sadly not though, Corbyn asked six questions on housing instead. Today PM May was sporting a chunky silver chain, which was more DMX than ex-Home Sec....

Teenagers Sent to University Without One Crucial Skill – How to Manage Money

Whilst headteachers across the country fret about the dress sense of their students with many youngsters being sent home because their shoes aren't the right style, it seems Education Bodies across the country have missed the point of going to school - Education. As faculty members busy themselves playing 'Britan's Next Top Model - Student Edition' a new report out today has highlighted that youngsters are going off to university without one of the most vital skills of all - how...

Watch: Sadiq Khan Lays in to Jeremy Hunt with Stand-up Gag

Sadiq Khan has dealt a low blow to Jeremy Hunt, dubbing the Health Secretary "gutless, spineless and heartless". The London Mayor showed off his stand-up credentials in a short video shared on Time Out’s Facebook page. Hunt has been subject to a barrage of criticism amidst the junior doctors strike. In a statement to the House of Commons, Jeremy Hunt said the forthcoming strikes would bring "unprecedented misery" on patients, urging them to accept the new contract which has been heavily...

UK to force multinationals to publish where they do business & pay tax

In a victory for business transparency, a cross-party call for multinationals to make public where they pay tax and in what places they do business, has been given the nod by the Government. There has been increasing pressure from politicians and the wider public to hold these huge companies to account. Many people believe these companies purposefully move revenues across the world to avoid paying taxes where they have made a lot of money. It appears that this might be...

Brexit Minister’s single market access claim is “not policy” says May’s office

Many people were very underwhelmed by David Davis yesterday in the Commons. He made a speech to the house to talk about Brexit, in his capacity as Minister for Brexit. After most of the summer to come up with a clear Brexit strategy he came out with classics such as “"People will want to know what Brexit will mean, simply, it means leaving the EU." He also said “Brexit arrangements for the City will be straightforward but complex.” So that...

Brexit worries have caused UK universities to fall in world rankings

The fall-out from the decision to leave the EU has had a knock on effect on higher education in the UK, according to the QS world University Rankings. Uncertainty over immigration rules and access the EU research funding are to be blamed for the drop in rankings. There are concerns that research projects could be given to EU based universities in the future, once the UK invokes Article 50 and cuts ties with the European project. Cambridge has fallen out...

Attacks on Gypsies, Travellers and Roma increase since Brexit, say campaigners

There was a surge in attacks on foreign people post-referendum but there are concerns that gypsies, travellers and Roma are not reporting attacks on their community. It is thought they have also suffered a rise in attacks since the referendum, but the community does not trust the police to deal with the incidents. PC Jim Davies from the Gypsy Roma Traveller Police Association said a lack of trust would stop them "rushing to the police". Davies said: "As far as...

London Flights Grounded at City, Gatwick and Heathrow

If you've picked today to travel out of London, you may be in for a bit of a shock. A series of incidents has resulted in flights been grounded at London City, Heathrow and Gatwick Airports. Black Live Matter protesters stormed onto the runway at London City Airport leading to the cancellation of several flights. Police investigating if Black Lives Matter protesters swam across Thames to reach City runway - tale by @RyanJHooper — Margaret Davis (@MargaretDavisPA) September 6,...

3,000 NHS bosses share £2bn payoff bonanza

Shocking figures have emerged that show the true levels of pay-offs in the NHS, at the same time as the health service has been forced into numerous cost cutting measures. A Times article has discovered figures that show that during the last six years fifty thousand NHS workers have received pay-offs. Of that number three thousand were in senior positions and have pocketed up to £100,000 each in redundancy deals. Between 2015/16 £141 million alone was spent on severance packages,...

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