Search Result for 'Plastic'

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What Nation Is The Most Beauty Obsessed?

When it comes to beauty, different nationalities spend more on different things or use things more than other nationalities. But who exactly spends most on skin care or surgery and which nationality uses the most? We probably all have an pre existing assumption of which nationalities and countries we expect ...

Climbing Villarrica: Chile’s most active volcano

By Joey Tyson The smell of a volcano is impossible to forget. Something between rotten eggs and a dodgy car exhaust, the stench of sulphur gags, clogging your throat for a second until the breeze blows over you. In short, it stinks. “Don’t spend too long down wind of the ...

Pictures show devastation caused by rubbish thrown in the sea

This shocking photo shows the devastation caused by rubbish thrown in the sea - a dead dolphin washed up in Britain surrounded by the waste which may have killed it, The sad picture shows a dead bottlenose dolphin next to a pile of plastics, rope, bottles, flower pots, deodorant cans ...

Why it’s kicking off everywhere

As UK theatres fret over how to respond to the increasing national and global crises that are hitting or emerging from our shores in wave after wave of tsunami like proportions: Brexit, Syria, the refugee crisis, Russia, Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus, the Greek meltdown, Egypt, Spain, the Occupy movement, Trump, Brexit, ...

Forgotten Film Friday: Seconds (1966)

By Michael McNulty The end of another work week and it’s time to kick back in front of the box and settle into another great film. TGIFF: Thank God it’s Forgotten Film Friday. John Frankenheimer’s Seconds is a science fiction thriller with a pinch of horror delicately sprinkled over top. ...

Shocking figures reveal UK’s apathy towards recycling

Given that up to 60 per cent of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled, it is concerning to find that millions of Brits admit they never recycle the most basic of waste materials - the plastic bottle. According to new research some 2.9 million adults never ...

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