Three minke whales have died and another two are in distress off the coast of the UK. The first sighting of the dead whale, a calf, was spotted on a mudbank in the River Orre, Near Felixstowe, on Saturday afternoon. Another dead adult whale, thought to be the calf's mother, was seen in the water. Officials have sealed off an area of Felixstowe Pier in Suffolk after the 30ft mother whale washed up there. John Cresswell, from the Felixstowe Volunteer...
Police were outside a house on Aston Avenue, Manchester, in connection with three new arrests this morning May 24 2017, believed to be in connection with Monday's terror attack at Manchester Arena. At least 22 people have died, with more than 60 injured after Salman Abedi detonated a bomb in the Manchester Arena, at 10:30pm Monday, 22 May 2017. Chief Constable Ian Hopkins of GMP said "This is a fast-moving investigation and we have significant resources deployed to both the...
By Tara Carey Fair Funding for Schools representative in Lambeth The row over school funding has taken centre stage in the general election campaign, with parents and teachers across the country rising up in protest against budget cuts put forward by the government and Department of Education. To highlight concerns, a national day of action is being planned this Friday, May 26, with events happening in parks and high streets up and down the country. Campaigners say at the heart...
The army has been drafted in to key locations in London as the UK terror threat has been raised to critical. Soldiers have been put on guard outside Buckingham Palace and Downing Street, with 984 military personnel deployed across the country. The Changing the Guard at the Palace was cancelled and Parliament was closed to the public. The Old Bailey’s public galleries were also shut. Chelsea Football Club's victory parade, penned in for Sunday, has also been cancelled following the terrorist attack...
Some 150 crowdfunding pages have been set up following the terrorist attack in Manchester on Monday evening, with over £1.5 million donated so far. An outpouring of unity and support has seen thousands of people go to the JustGiving platform, with one page set up by the Manchester Evening News raising over £1 million alone from over 34,000 supporters. The British Red Cross in association with We Love MCR, the Lord Mayor of Manchester’s’ charity have also established the Manchester Emergency JustGivingFund...
China has been downgraded by Moody's for the first time since 1989 sending worrying messages to the rest of the world. Expectations that the country's financial strength will deteriorate in coming years was cited as a primary reason for downgrading the Asian powerhouse. Rising debt and a cooling economy were also referenced as reasons for downgrading China's rating to A1 from Aa3 and changing its outlook from stable to negative. According to Mihir Kapadia, CEO and Founder of Sun Global Investments, Moody’s...
A flamingo stands on one leg because it takes less effort than using two, according to new research. It is possibly the animal kingdom's most iconic pose and the reason for it has remained one of the greatest mysteries in nature. Now, in the first study of its kind, scientists reckon they have come up with a simple solution. The famous long necked pink bird with stick like legs, which at five feet tall is among the biggest on Earth,...
At least 22 people were killed and 50 others injured in the blast at an Ariana Grande concert - which witnesses are claiming was caused by a 'nail bomb'. Newly released mobile phone footage shows panic spread across the crowd, as one terrified girl screams "oh my God" and others are seen running for their lives. The lights had just gone up and people were leaving the arena when a loud bang is heard. Fans are then seen running back...
Two weeks ago we published a story highlighting one starting fact: If 30 per cent more people under 25 vote, the Tories could lose the election. New data on voting trends had come to light suggesting that a mass mobilisation of young voters could swing the election, with a mega-poll of nearly 13,000 voters by YouGov revealing that Jeremy Corbyn would be heading to Downing Street were the election decided by 18-40 year olds. If only students voted, Labour would have an... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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