
The latest local and national UK and International news.

PMQs 14th September – May takes her talent as far as it can go

The session started with a planted question, about the size of a pine forest in Norway, Tim Peake would have put a picture of it on Twitter. Back down on Earth Marcus Fysh, Con, asked about the valuable knowledge in technical skills and engineering which should be offered to some kids, “taking their talents as far as they can go.” What he meant was “give the div kids a spanner and leave the posh ones to go to the grammar...

Ad-Blocking Software Company Launches Their Own Ads

Ad-blocking company Adblock Plus is set to launch their own adds in a move that has been described as "cynical". The software, which is used on more than 100 million devices, will look to capitalise on a new market they have created by launching an "Acceptable Ads Platform" which will bypass the controls. Ad-blocking software is said to be putting severe pressure on the digital publishing industry, with new figures showing more than one in five British adults are now using ad-blockers. The...

Libya’s collapse and rise of IS was Cameron’s fault, says report

A new report has emerged that has laid the blame for the destruction of Libya squarely at the door of David Cameron and his government. The UK parliamentary report was highly critical of France and Britain in 2011, when they collaborated to bring down Muammar Gaddafi, then the Libyan leader. The ex-PM, who stood down after failing to convince voters to Remain in the EU, had been accused of not having a proper strategy to during the air campaign against...

£150k raised for elderly ice-pop seller forced back to work after only daughter died

It is a story that will melt your hearts, like the sun melts his ice-pops, after over £150,000 was raised on-line for an old Chicago ice-pop vendor, who had been snapped pushing his cart in some difficulty. Fidencio Sanchez, 89, from Chicago, had to come out of retirement after his daughter passed away and needed money to care for her children, after he was given custody of them A total stranger opened a GoFundMe page after seeing the distress Sanchez...

Parliament must vote on invoking Article 50, says House of Lords

Brexit and what it means to the UK is something that is yet to be resolved. One of the only issues that seemed to have been put in place was that PM May would trigger Article 50 without a vote in Parliament. However, now that has been questioned by the House of Lords. The House if Lords Constitution Committee has published a report that has stated that by-passing Parliament and triggering Article 50 would be “unwise,” “constitutionally inappropriate” and “set...

The end for Labour & Corbyn? Tories accused of “rigging” boundary changes

A huge change to constituencies across the UK may cost the Labour party a huge number of seats, possibly wiping out their chances of forming a Government again. Having lost Scotland to the SNP further cuts in their MP numbers would leave them a huge task to win a majority in future elections. Their situation is not helped by Corbyn’s current poll ratings, which are said to be the worst since 1950. His own seat is due to be abolished...

Is New Cash in a Cashless Economy Futile?

Nearly five years since the last note launched, the Bank of England will today release its first ever polymer fiver. The so-called 'plastic fiver' is longer lasting, harder to destroy and smaller than other bank notes, with the first notes leaving distribution centres shortly after midnight tonight. From there they will be taken to ATMs in six major cities in England and Wales, with members of the public being able to withdraw them from around 9am onwards. A new five pound note...

UK citizens might have to pay for EU travel visa post-Brexit

Trips to mainland Europe have become very simple and cheap since the UK joined the EU and the cost of airfares plummeted. However, now we have decided to leave the EU, UK citizens may need to apply and pay for visas to travel into Europe. Amber Rudd, Home Secretary, admitted that the EC is contemplating a visa programme for British citizens hoping to enter the EU member states. Rudd said she wasn’t expecting a Visa system to be implemented for...

Middlesbrough is ‘worst place to be a girl in England and Wales.’

A new study has ranked Middlesbrough as the worst place to be a girl. Charity Plan International UK took various factors into account to make the decision. They assessed child poverty, educational attainment and teen pregnancy rates. Sadly for Middlesbrough it came top of the list, not an enviable place to be. As expected there appears to be a north/south divide between the best and worst places to be a young female. Poverty could be seen as a major factor...

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