Tories vote down protections for NHS in trade deals on deadliest day in pandemic
Here's the full list of MPs who voted the amendment down.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted the amendment down.
"The staggering contempt that Tories show for the working class - not even bothering to TURN UP to the Opposition Debate," Jack Monroe said.
The PM's bid to reframe his premiership was left in limbo after meeting with Covid-positive MP.
Number 10 said “critical announcements” due over the coming weeks would send a “clear signal of his ongoing ambitions for the United Kingdom”.
The Prime Minister is ‘well’ and does not have any symptoms of the virus, according to a spokesman for Number 10.
Tory MPs said they "did not believe in nationalising children" ahead of the vote, with one saying children have been going hungry "for years".
MPs rejected the motion by a majority of 61.
The amendment to continue existing arrangements had been successfully moved in the House of Lords by refugee campaigner and Labour peer Lord Dubs, who fled the Nazis as a child on the Kindertransport.
Here's a full list of MPs who voted to strip the amendment from the bill. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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