First time developing countries spend more than rich countries on renewables

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Investment in green energy was higher for poorer countries rather than wealthy nations for the first ever time. India, China and interestingly Mauritania are leading the record levels of investment. Developed nations are being left behind in the green race to sustainable energy. A reliance on fossil fuels could leave them lagging in terms of access to energy in years to come. Overall £196.5bn was invested in renewables globally, according to the Renewables 2016 report...

Global number of slaves reaches 46 million

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Shocking news has emerged that almost 46 million people are estimated to be living as slaves. The research was carried out by the Walk Free Foundation and is supported by A-list star Russell Crowe. The foundation is paid for by wealthy business man Andrew Forrest, who developed the 2015 global slavery index. They believe that 45.8 million people are in some form of slavery across the planet. India has the highest total number of slaves while...

European city where richest families same for 600 years

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor They say keep it in the family, well in one city they have for nearly six hundred years. Research of tax records in Florence, Italy, has revealed that the wealthiest families in the city currently are the same lineage as from 1427. Generation after generation of the elites if the city, have continued to reap the financial rewards the city creates. The poorest however, remain poor, rarely raising above the economic status they were born...

Stephen Hawking warns against Brexit and Trump

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor World famous scientist, Stephen Hawking, has again repeated his backing for the Britain to remain in the EU and has warned against the dangers of Donald Trump if he becomes president. He said Trump is “demagogue who appeals to lowest common denominator.” Hawking, who has pushed the boundaries of scientific knowledge, can’t get his head around the success of Trump. Mr Hawking was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 1963 and was only given two...

Video – Huge Alligator strolls across golf course

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor As some golfers were enjoying a round of golf, an alligator was also enjoying a day out on the plush fairways. It was famously said by Mark Twain that "golf is a good walk spoiled," but bumping into a dangerous animal of this size, must ruin your round of golf. An exceptionally large alligator has been filmed taking a casual stroll across a golf course in Florida, as golfers looked on. Charles Helms spotted the...

Claims first missing Chibok girl has been found, two years on

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Activists have said that of the 218 girls who were abducted from a secondary school in Nigeria in April 2014, one has finally been found. The BBC were told that Amina Ali Nkek was found by a vigilante group on Tuesday in the Sambisa Forest, close to the Cameroonian border. The vigilante group member who recognised the girl is from the (JTF) Civilian Joint Task Force. The group was set up to protect their communities...

11 LGBT groups banned from attending Aids meeting by Muslim states

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor 51 Muslim states have stopped 11 LGBT groups from being part of a meeting at the UN on ending Aids across the world. The move has been met with vocal protests from the EU, Canada, and the US. There have been a series of issues involving perceived discrimination against LGBT groups at the UN, over a number of years. This is another issue in a long line of attempts to stifle LGBT rights at the...

Russia testing nuclear weapon capable of wiping out a country

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Reports coming out from Russian media channels have claimed that they are testing a weapon that can slip past radar defences and destroy an are the size of “France or Texas.” There are huge concerns that the test-fire of this nuclear weapon could wipe out a country in a matter of seconds. The missile, which has been dubbed “Satan 2,” is believed to be the most powerful ever designed. It is supposedly also equipped with...

Transgender washroom bill doesn’t breach US Civil Rights, says North Carolina

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor In March the state of North Carolina passed a piece of legislation restricting the lavatory use of transgender people. It forces transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the gender on their birth certificate. The policy was criticised across America and the world. The US Justice department, told the North Carolina state government they had until the end of Monday to bin the legislation or they could have millions of dollars cut from federal...

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