With summer well on its way (apparently), we can expect some refreshing cocktails to take much of the limelight. “Surprise me”, my friend requests of the bartender at a private member’s club, having just expressed his disbelief in drink menus. £26 later she’s supping on one of the most refreshingly delicious drinks ever to have passed either of our lips, having been theatrically assembled, perhaps explaining the extravagant pricing. Given the general mystery that shrouds The Beatles and Rolling Stones’ ex-haunt, we’re still unsure of the exact name, but after a trip to the Supermarket and some trial and error in the kitchen, we seem to have finally found the combination of ingredients that we’d sampled on that early January evening. Perfect for you to make your own for the impending summer months, albeit avoiding the double-figured price tag per glass.

The Ultimate Summer Cocktail
- To start, muddle six slices of Cucumber and a large sprig of Mint into the bottom of a cocktail shaker. A Boston shaker is the best to use for this, but any will suffice.
- Crush some ice and fill the rest of the glass.
- Add a double measure of Gin. Hendricks’ is the best to use for this, but the brand of Gin isn’t too important, but like most things: the better the ingredients, the better the final result. (Add a single measure of Vodka for an extra kick.)
- Add a small dash of Elderflower Cordial; the Egg White, and fill the rest of the glass with Apple Juice (make sure the apple juice is a rich light green colour, juxtaposed to the more readily available concentrated Juice. This really makes a difference!)
- Shake well and strain into a glass and garnish with a sprig of mint and slice of Cucumber placed onto the rim of the glass. Enjoy.
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