Tommy Robinson defends charging £25 for his ‘manifesto’
"It’s an academic piece."
Robinson is now facing two contempt of court claims alleging he breached a court order from 2021.
Robinson is alleged to have breached a High Court order from 2021 between June and July this year.
Nobody loves a traffic warden... apart from this guy.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has been evading justice in the UK by using his Irish passport to live freely in Europe.
The far-right figure has been on the run from the justice system over fresh contempt of court allegations.
After being ditched by one of his tax lawyers this week, it seems Tommy Robinson is now struggling to find legal representation.
"I can't count the amount of times I see 'Pakistani man does blah'. When something comes out about Jimmy Saville, is his ethnicity or his religious beliefs put forward as the primary reason for him committing an offence?"
The former EDL man has been sunning himself in Ayia Napa as violence breaks out on the streets of England and Northern Ireland. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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