14 million vote as Elon Musk vows to step down in Twitter poll
Musk tweeted the 12-hour poll at 11.20pm on Sunday night, and judging by the tweets that followed - he's worried!
Musk tweeted the 12-hour poll at 11.20pm on Sunday night, and judging by the tweets that followed - he's worried!
The sudden suspension of news reporters followed Mr Musk’s decision to permanently ban an account that automatically tracked his private jet.
The jet-tracking account was also suspended on Wednesday – despite the social media platform’s new owner earlier pledging to keep it up.
There was a huge surge in people moving onto the platform after Musk asked whether to reinstate Donald Trump’s account.
It is part of a new digital rulebook that has made Europe the global leader in the push to rein in the power of social media companies.
Musk’s Neuralink is one of many groups working on linking brains to computers, but claims to be "quite ahead" of the field.
Social media expert Matt Navarra says the plan to allow banned accounts to return would allow some of the ‘worst people on the internet’ onto Twitter.
The former president’s account reappeared on the social media platform along with his previous posts - all 59,000 of them.
Elon Musk gave all employees an ultimatum to stay at a new "hardcore" Twitter or take redundancy on Thursday.
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