Final vote count shows Clinton beat Trump by almost 3m votes

The final vote count from the US election shows Hilary Clinton beat Donald Trump by a whopping 2,865,075 people in the popular vote, despite losing the election. Data released by CNN shows Hilary would have run away with the victory if the Electoral College system wasn't used, which was once called "a disaster for a democracy" by contender Trump. The FINAL Clinton-Trump popular vote totals: Clinton: 65,844,954 (48.2%) Trump: 62,979,879 (46.1%) Diff: 2,865,075 — Robert Yoon (@robyoon) December 21, 2016 In a...

Brexit cost set to dwarf NHS budget

The overall cost of Britain's break from Europe is expected to be an astronomical £220 billion over four years, dwarfing the NHS budget which was a focal part of the 'Leave' campaign. New forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) show that government debt is to hit £1.945 trillion in five years, with experts attributing the £220 billion growth to the direct results of Brexit. A recent report by ITV's Robert Peston explained: "£78 billion of that is due to the expected post-referendum slowdown in...

This is the war of the words

The only thing more terrifying than the devastating scenes in Berlin yesterday is the reaction of the soon-to-be President of the United States to the events. Hours after the deadly truck crash in Berlin, with the country's wounds laid bare, Trump jumped back on the populist bandwagon and issued a statement of intent ahead of his inauguration. He moved for a policy of division, blaming “Islamist terrorists” who targeted “innocent” Christians as they “prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday.” The war of words...

Burglar blames the Tories and says “they’re the real criminals”

A bungled burglar blamed the Tories after he stole seven bottles of whisky, vodka, brandy and Drambuie from Waitrose, saying "they're the real criminals". The 57-year-old launched into a 15-minute tirade whilst representing himself in court, blaming "the looting Tories". During the rant, he also blamed a chief constable, who he claimed to have shamed, the high suicide rate, power prices, Tony Blair, David Cameron's broken election promises and his lack of an education. He appeared at Canterbury Crown Court on Thursday and...

Watch – Merry Cringemas! Theresa May left out in the cold at EU summit

Well this is mega awkward and likely to be the way of things to come in the future. Our esteemed PM arrived in Brussels this morning for a one-day summit to discuss immigration, among other crucial trade issues. As soon as the summit finished, the Prime Minister was left awkwardly hanging around by herself, nobody wanted to talk, or even look at her, it's going to be lonely this xmas, and possibly for the next ten Christmases, for May at the EU....

MPs to get ANOTHER pay rise next year taking increase to £10k over 2 years!

In news, which will anger pretty much everyone, including even some MPs, our elected officials are going to get another pay rise next year. With many public sector workers seeing their pay frozen or even reduced in some cases, MPs will be gifted a 1.4% salary boost next year, which will equate to a grand each. With rail fares to rise and worries about how Brexit could adversely damage the UK economy, it might have been wise not to hand...

Brexit could take a DECADE and still FAIL, says UK ambassador

When the UK voted to leave the EU, many Brexiteers thought that ties would be instantly cut from mainland Europe, but it seems it is going to take a lot longer. The BBC has reported that Britain’s ambassador to the EU, Sir Ivan Rogers, thinks the UK-EU deal could take a decade to sign off and it could still be rejected by other EU member states. Tory MP Dominic Raab said this morning that the EU would be hit the...

PMQs 14th Dec –  “Confusion never stops…Closing wards and ticking clocks”

It was the longest PMQs, possibly ever, at 46 minutes, and time, well time running out, was the theme that dominated the session. In the UK we are living longer than ever, and Jeremy Corbyn was wondering why the Tories had axed £4.6bn social care funding, to ensure our final years are as miserable as Alf Garnett seeing out the rest of his days in The Gambia. Local Authorities can now raise additional council taxes to fund elderly social care,...

London Mayor puts Boris Johnson’s ‘redundant’ water cannons on scrap heap

The Mayor of London is flogging predecessor Boris Johnson's 'redundant' water cannons to raise cash to tackle gang crime - because they are illegal to use in Britain. Sadiq Khan today revealed that purchasing and kitting out the cannons had cost the taxpayer over £320,000 - including £970 on CD players. The three water cannons were bought second-hand by Boris Johnson from the German Federal Police in June 2014, despite the fact that they cannot be used legally in the...

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