
The latest local and national UK and International news.

‘Not treated as humans’, findings of report into Sports Direct

Mike Ashley’s retail empire is under fire again. A new report by the Business, Innovation and Skills committee has accused Sports Direct of not treating his workforce as humans. Ashley, who runs of Europe’s largest retail operations and Newcastle United, must personally be held accountable for the companies operational failures. One MP even said the retail giants working practices were like a Victorian workhouse. Ashley recently had to appear in front of MPs due to the business being investigated for...

UK economy at worst level since 2009 due to Brexit

New Data has indicated that the UK economy is really struggling due to Britain’s vote to leave the EU. The pound has fallen after additional claims the economy could contract by 0.4% in the third quarter of 2016. Data from Markit’s Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) shows a “dramatic deterioration,” in the economy. These levels have not been seen since the banking crisis, which saw the Government step in to save a number of the United Kingdom’s major banks. The PMI...

Turkey suspends European convention on human rights in wake of failed coup

The fall-out from the coup attempt in Turkey has taken another twist, as the country suspends the European convention on human rights. The deputy prime minister, Numan Kurtulmus, said: “Turkey will suspend the European convention on human rights insofar as it does not conflict with its international obligations.” Over two hundred people were killed and thousands were wounded in the violence that followed the coup attempt. Erdoğan himself was almost captured but escaped while he was at staying in the holiday...

Mrs Thatcher’s son’s “corrupt” Middle Eastern secrets hidden until 2053

There have been claims of an establishment over-up, as government records relating to Mark Thatcher, the late PM’s son, will remain under lock and key until 2053. Under the 30-year-rule the National Archives are releasing notes and records from Government cabinet meetings from 86-88, the height of Mrs Thatcher’s premiership, reports the Daily Mirror. However, there is widespread concern why two files named “Cementation contract: Mark Thatcher and the Omanis” and “Request by Electronic Data Systems to employ Mark Thatcher,”...

183,000 membership applications for Labour in just 48 hours

There has been a huge spike in Labour membership, as over 180 thousand people paid £25 to become registered supporters of the party in 48 hours. The amount of sing-ups in this space of time is more than the Tories have in total. It is assumed that many of these new recruits to the Labour ranks will vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming leadership contest against Owen Smith. Without paying the inflated fee by the Wednesday deadline, they would...

Russian athletes ban will remain in place, concludes Cas

An appeal to re-enter 68 banned Russian athletes has failed after Cas (Court of Arbitration for Sport) decided the original decision would remain in place. The IAAF had suspended Russia after widespread doping was uncovered. It could even get worse for the country as they might be banned entirely from the Olympic Games in Rio. The appeal was brought by the Russian Olympic committee, but it fell on deaf ears as Cas voted unanimously to keep the IAAF ban. Revelations...

Claims over 73 civilians killed in Syria, victims of US airstrike

Horrific news has been received from northern Syria that a huge number of people have been killed after an American airstrike on a Syrian village. The attack just before defence ministers from the anti-Isis coalition gathered outside in the US to discuss progress against ISIS. US military investigators are looking into claims of the mass killing in Manbij. If the bombing error is proven to be from coalition forces it would be the worst attack on non-combatants in the on-going...

Funds Set Up Offering £25 To Help People Vote For Corbyn

Several new funds have been set up offering to pay the £25 charge in exchange for a vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming Labour elections. Political commentator Guido Fawkes revealed that the groups have been set up just days after Labour shut down a Just Giving page doing the same thing. One private Facebook group named “Gimme 25” has amassed almost 3,000 members, and its intentions over how people should vote are pretty clear from the statement below: “Sometimes if...

UKIP Councillor Threatens To Kill Remainers

UKIP Councillor Terence Nathan has threatened to kill Remainers looking to overturn Brexit’s victory in the June referendum. The Bromley Councillor responded to the possibility of legal action being taken before Article 50 is invoked by saying those who want to block the Brexit process should be killed. He wrote: “Time to start killing these people till Article 50 is invoked, perhaps remainers will get the message then.” After another Facebook user voiced concern about his use of threats, he added: “Not threatening...

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