Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Quiz: Can you spot the one in a million?

If you’ve ever been told you’re ‘one in a million’, this is the puzzle for you. Hidden away in this busy high street is one person who almost literally is one in a million – but you can only identify him due to the No1 written on his shirt. The...

Britain’s best Christmas markets revealed

Britain’s best ‘all-round’ Christmas market is found at the Chatsworth Estate in the Peak District, a study has revealed. A poll of 2,000 Brits found the festive event in Derbyshire secured the highest overall score, with Edinburgh, St. Nicholas Fair in York and London’s Hyde Park Winter Wonderland all achieving...

Cash is officially “on its way out”, according to Brits

One in five Brits now never carries cash, a study has found. Researchers who polled 2,000 UK adults found many are now opting to pay using different methods such as chip and pin and smartphone payments. Half believe cash is 'on the way out' and will ‘soon’ be superseded by...

Micro-pub in Hither Green gets the green light

Lewisham councillors voted unanimously in favour of an application for a new micro-pub in Hither Green last night. MathBrew, which will sell “quality beer and real ale” with the intention of making a “community pub” for locals to gather, was granted planning permission to open on Springbank Road. Councillor Silvana...

Women “hardest hit” by government’s austerity cuts

Women have been the hardest hit by government cuts to social services and welfare, a UN investigation has revealed. The UN’s Rapporteur into Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Philip Aston found reductions in social care services translate to an increased burden on primary caregivers who are disproportionately women. Releasing the...

Say what you want about the tenets of Brexit, May says

Hopes of a reversal on Brexit were left dashed last night after Theresa May defiantly battled ministerial resignations and calls for her to quit in order to deliver her exit plan. With a raft of firms already set to leave the country and Britain's future prospects looking worse off under...

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