Rishi Sunak reimposes ban on fracking lifted by Liz Truss
“I stand by the manifesto on that,” the new PM told the Commons – referring to the 2019 moratorium on drilling for shale gas.
“I stand by the manifesto on that,” the new PM told the Commons – referring to the 2019 moratorium on drilling for shale gas.
Senior Tory MP Sir Charles Walker said what took place was “inexcusable”.
“Is he aware the safety of the public is not a currency on which some of us choose to speculate?”, Sir Greg Knight asked.
It comes as a geology professor warned the prime minister that she is "280 million years too late" if she wants to create a shale gas industry in the UK.
"You told me this morning when I was in here... that you would drink this water," he says to the commission. "So, would you drink it?"
In March, Kwasi Kwarteng said it would take "up to a decade" to extract sufficient volumes from fracking - at a high cost for communities and our precious countryside.
"The two candidates for Prime Minister are falling over themselves to say how much they dislike solar farms. How did we end up in this alternate universe?"
"I spend half my time calling out the Tories for being too right wing, and all the while we've had a 'socialist chancellor' hellbent on implementing 'Stalinist housing targets'. I feel such a fool."
Andrea Leadsom and her colleagues really want to get Britain fracking.
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