Clip of John McDonnell calling out water profits resurfaces
'Just a small reminder of what could have been.'
'Just a small reminder of what could have been.'
"I never heard Ian calling out Boris Johnson and his anti-semitic tropes or his racism", the Labour MP said.
“We’re going to take that money and instead of using it as dividends for shareholders for rich people like you, we’re going to ensure it covers the cost.”
"Keir Starmer has completely misread the mood of the nation," the former shadow chancellor John McDonnell has said.
"This was appalling, ill judged & totally counterproductive. Insulting behaviour like this is demeaning," said John McDonnell.
McDonnell called out Frost's claim that MPs were "blocking the will of the people" over Brexit.
"A Labour Government will scrap the status altogether in our first Budget," the 'fair tax' manifesto read.
The former shadow chancellor is slated to speak at the ‘No To War In Ukraine’ event alongside Jeremy Corbyn, an act which could force Sir Keir's hand.
The former shadow chancellor said the Labour leader's response to the crisis has been "exactly right". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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