Search Result for 'Facebook'

Parliamentary Sketch

Parliamentary Sketch 3rd June – Sepp aside for the really power hungry

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor It’s almost the same amount of time between the start of Sepp Blatter’s presidency of FIFA and the last majority Tory Government. Then the football dictator stepped down the day before the first pure-blooded Conservative PMQs, some coincidence surely? “Wow, they made Michael Gove  Justice ...


National Vegetarian Week, but Meat is a Must for British Men

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  National Vegetarian Week kicks off today, but the majority of men admit they would rather give up booze, cancel their Sky Sports subscription and even give up sex rather than become a vegetarian, a study from Peperami has found. Researchers found 62 per cent of ...

Labour and Steve Coogan

Coogan and Freeman: Labour Ramps up the Battle of the Video

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  The Labour Party has ramped up the battle of the video in the run-up to the General Election, releasing another video featuring an A class celebrity. Steve Coogan is the latest celeb to appear in a Labour Party video, urging voters to side with Labour in ...

In Pictures #‎BaltimoreCoverageYouMayNotSee‬

In Pictures: ‎Baltimore Coverage You May Not See‬

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Police targeted, stores looted and havoc wreaked across the streets of Baltimore. The past week has been a mass of ugly pictures in Maryland as footage emerge from riots that broke out after the funeral of Freddie Gray, 25, who died after suffering a spinal injury ...

Protein World Posters

Billboards! Social Media is the Real Body-Shamer

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Protein World's 'Beach Body Ready' campaign has kicked up such a big fuss of late you would have thought body-shaming was a new concept, but the reality is that the girl in the yellow bikini has merely drawn people's attention to a more prominent body ...

The Feminist Library turns 40

Like all powerful, female forces of nature, London’s Feminist Library is just getting better with age. To celebrate its 40th year, here are some of the arts highlights from its programme. Women and Tattoos 25th April 2015 With the amazing discussion-starter “Why you should never, ever get a tattoo (but ...

Facebook social media

Is Social Media Eroding Friendships?

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Social media was born on ideals of friendship, but new research has found it could be doing more to dismantle our relationships than bolster it. A study in to modern friendship, commissioned by Thomas J Fudge’s Remarkable Bakery, revealed the majority of Brits (58 per cent) think ...

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