Lib Dems commit to ‘minimum service levels’ for MPs as it ramps up campaigning in Dorries’ seat
The Lib Dem candidate, Emma Holland-Lindsay, has also pledged not to take a second job or presenting gigs.
The Lib Dem candidate, Emma Holland-Lindsay, has also pledged not to take a second job or presenting gigs.
"The government's motives behind voter ID are nothing to do with voter fraud, they are everything to do with the selfish interests of the Tory Party."
The Liberal Democrat leader called for swifter action on dealing with waste being pumped into rivers and seas.
Two crucial by-elections have exposed eerily familiar patterns.
"The tectonic plates of British politics are shifting.”
"People across the UK have said loud and clear: we want to welcome them, with open arms. Just as we welcomed refugees of other conflicts in the past," the Lib Dems leader said.
Sir Ed said there was a “real chance” of getting the Prime Minister out of office in the next election.
“These Conservatives can’t be defeated next time unless we Liberal Democrats win Tory seats,” he said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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