Heavily subsidised bar prices in the House of Commons have left many people wondering how many MPs have time for a second job.
With a pint of Carling costing a fraction over £3 and Cellarman’s reserve coming in at £2.90 it is easily the cheapest place to drink in central London, with many local Westminster establishments charging double that price.
Elsewhere MPs can also tuck into soups for less than a pound in the Terrace Cafeteria and enjoy a three-course meal of soup, steak and parfait for under £13 in the Members’ Dining Room.
Compare that to the nearest pubs – where most burgers cost more than £15 – and you can say our elected representatives are getting a fair amount of bang for their buck!

According to the latest figures revealed by openDemocracy, the House of Lords has spent £8 million of taxpayers’ money subsidising its own bars and restaurants in the last three years.
It comes on top of the £17 million bailout of catering facilities in the House of Commons – bringing the total to a staggering £25 million.
Every one of the 26 bars and eateries across Parliament made a financial loss over the last three years.
While the rest of the UK faces a growing poverty crisis, the latest figures will be a bitter pill for most to swallow.
Related: Champagne sales in House of Lords reach highest level for five years