Search Result for 'stab'

The Kurds’ White House Refusal

By Lock Bailey Iraqi-Kurdistan President Barzani turned down a White House invitation last month.  Barzani has asked the American government for years to remove the Kurdish people from Washington’s terrorist list yet he has been denied each time.  Barzani’s refusal to visit sends a clear plea: The Kurds are not terrorists, but ...

Made In The UK

By Adam Walker, Economics Correspondent Are Academic Attitudes Degrading The Manufacturing Industry? Over the past 30 years the UK has gone from housing a manufacturing industry to being an almost entirely service-based economy with a particular emphasis on the financial sector. On The London Economic we have discussed this in a number ...

St Nicholas Church

The Gay Marriage Question

The abominable human rights questions being raised over gay marriage will fall on deaf ears until we start asking the right question. Equality has never been the issue. There’s some bizarre notion that members of the clergy come out in a rash when confronted with same-sex marriage, wielding their crucifix ...

Brazil: moving in the wrong direction

By Artur Salles Lisboa de Oliveira, writer for Exame The Brazilian economy benefited significantly from the commodities boom throughout the 2000’s, allowing it to keep a strong inflow of capital which led to rising reserves and currency stability. Despite these favourable conditions, authorities didn’t succeed in promoting economic growth by ...


By Valentina Magri International Women’s Day – observed by the UN General Assembly since 1977 after it invited member nations to unite in eliminating the discrimination against women – was celebrated this weekend with great success, but some still question the need for such a day in contemporary British society. Gender ...

Will We Commit a Syrial Offense?

By Lock Bailey One may criticise the United States' involvement in other countries and in other regions' affairs and do so justifiably. Yet often within the very same condemning breath one may also plead for the United States' involvement and intervention in another area of the world. The Civil War in ...

We Are The 99%…Aren’t We?

By Adam Walker, Economics Correspondent  Since the global recession struck we have cut society into two vastly unequal groups as a means of pigeon holing blame. The one per cent - those with a total household income that exceeds £300,000 annually – have become targets in the financial downturn. The ...


By Valentina Magri The Bank of England (BoE) gave us both good and bad news during the presentation of the last inflation report in February. The good news: the UK will be one of the fastest-growing advanced economies, with a GDP growth equal to +2.6 per cent. The bad news: ...

President Clinton: The Sequel

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent  Hillary Rodham Clinton will run for President of the United States in 2016 OK. It’s not confirmed yet, but it does seem fairly certain; Hillary Clinton will run for presidency in 2016. There won’t, of course, be an announcement for another twelve months or so as ...

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