UK’s former Brexit negotiator admits closer ties with Europe ‘is common sense’
Nice to hear David Davis state the obvious about the EU and Brexit, - given that it wasn't being stated eight years ago.
Nice to hear David Davis state the obvious about the EU and Brexit, - given that it wasn't being stated eight years ago.
"At the bottom of every invoice we are putting ‘£148 = Brexit cost’", one exporter said.
No, you’re not hearing things. An MP really did address the elephant in the House of Commons – blasting the Brexit impact on trade.
“In a way this is the first element of Brexit leading to the UK losing territory. It showed how that initial grab for purported sovereignty might actually lead to its diminution.”
It comes after Rachel Reeves refused to mention Brexit once in her Budget.
Is the clock already counting down on Britain's failed Brexit experiment? One very senior EU politician believes so...
Another Brexit benefit!
The ship should be stocking British chippies with whitefish, but it can't go anywhere because there's no quota left to fish.
It comes as banks were given a year to shift clearing from London to the EU if they want to continue doing business in Europe. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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