Jonathan Gullis wants to make Stoke the UK’s answer to Silicon Valley
He also announced he plans to stand at the next election, but admitted it is a "tough political time for anyone who is a Conservative at this moment.”
He also announced he plans to stand at the next election, but admitted it is a "tough political time for anyone who is a Conservative at this moment.”
“I would suggest the member for Stoke gives his head a wobble about what he’s just said", Creasy said.
The Match Of The Day host described accusations that he called northern voters ‘racist bigots’ as ‘outrageous’.
The comments came during a fiery response to the chancellor's Autumn Statement by the shadow city minister.
"The trade union movement will always stand up for workers facing unfair discrimination. This is not one of those times."
The former MP for Stoke North said he's applied for teaching jobs and not even got an interview.
Gullis will be hosting Kevin O’Sullivan’s show for the first time this Friday from 7 pm to 10 pm.
The ousted MP says he'd like to help the Conservative Party "rebuild in whatever role may be available".
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