An American in London: On The US Election Circus

By Tim Baros I’ve been watching the circus from afar and I’m kind of sorry to see it end. What circus you might ask? The circus that is the race for the presidency of the United States! I’m American and have lived in London for 13 years, and I’m getting asked quite a lot about what my thoughts are about the election. And I’m honest when I tell people that’s it’s extremely embarrassing and shocking how this election has played out....

On The Campaign Trail: TLE in New York

By Marcus Hendriks Arriving in NYC just five days before Election Day makes the task of seeking an understanding of the political landscape, beyond that provided by the media back across the Atlantic, a daunting one. Walking through JFK airport, the numerous TV screens displaying 24/7 news coverage revealed just how much the country is being immured by political frenzy. It is quite literally everywhere, always. In light of this, it was inevitable that conversation with the taxi driver taking me...

In Pictures: Tribal Tattoos in Kalinga province, Philippines

Sat some ten hours from Manilla in rural wilderness is a tattoo parlour so renowned that hundreds of 'tattoo tourists' trek each year to get inked. The draw; a 97-year-old tattoo artist named Whang-od. The Filipino spinster, who is also known as Maria Oggay, uses an ancient tattoo method called mambabotok that was first used to mark native headhunters and warriors to celebrate killings. While the brutal tribes modernised and the practiced died out, she has carried on the tattoo tradition, using the soot and charcoal...

Rise Of The Robosexuals

There's an episode of Futurama called 'Proposition Infinity'. It parodies the debates about gay and lesbian marriage in America by presenting a contentious referendum on the rights of robots to marry humans. Obviously, the idea of walking down the aisle with artificial intelligence isn't on the public agenda. But we are not so far off from another piece of lurid science fiction: robot sex slaves. The plans are already in place. Big robotics and electronics companies are investing serious money...

Revealed: The Extent of the Daily Mail’s Support for the British Union of Fascists

By Steve Banks The Daily Mail is underplaying the support it gave to Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists in the early 1930s. In a recent smear on his son Max Mosley, one of paper’s heavy-hitters Richard Pendlebury wrote: "For a brief period some of the mainstream press — this paper and the Daily Mirror included — praised the BUF's supposedly ‘conservative’ agenda. "That support soon evaporated as violence and an intolerance that was very evidently...

Boris’s Saudi Suicide, and why an Eye for an Eye is Turning the World Blind

Boris Johnson has today revealed that Britain will continue to supply arms to Saudi Arabia, using the rationale that if we don't supply them then other countries will. Indeed, other countries would "happily supply arms" to a country that is allegedly involved in war crimes in the Middle East, according to the Foreign Secretary, which is all the more reason to keep shipping. But this "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" mentality is worryingly juvenile given what's on the table. The Saudi-led military coalition...

Secret Teacher – Only Schools In The Papers Have Any Money

Once there was a parent. You know the sort, always out for special treatment for their child, complaining if someone else gets to be Mary at Christmas, or if another child is praised for working hard and being kind and helpful, as opposed to their spoilt, idle, over-entitled progeny who expects a round of applause for turning up. This parent would make demands to the Head that the school should buy this or that, and was told the school had...

Real Life Daniel Blake Tells of Misery After Benefit Cuts Leave Him Without Electricity

An unemployed man with severe learning difficulties who relies on foodbanks and spends days without electricity because of cuts to his benefits has been revealed as the real-life Daniel Blake following the film's release at cinemas. Sean Green, 49, says he has to rely on hot meals cooked by his neighbour in order to survive after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) cut his Jobseeker's Allowance. Friends have said he is being treated unfairly by the DWP because his learning difficulties...

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