Young man with autism detained behind hatch for four years in mental health hospital’s old file room
"Every time I see him it breaks my heart. He has no quality of life, he just exists."
"Every time I see him it breaks my heart. He has no quality of life, he just exists."
Helen Boughen, 33, has neurofibromatosis, which causes tumours to grow including in her face and at the back of her head
One mother said her son, whose arm was snapped after being wrenched up behind his back, had to wait 24 hours before being taken to A&E.
Cambridge University researchers found high levels of oestrogen had a bigger impact than the male hormone testosterone
It would enable treatments to begin years before symptoms develop - when they are more likely to work.
The major new study involving 8,000 children shows that even when they get home from school, autistic kids often have no respite from bullying.
Scientists say the breakthrough could lead to better treatments for a range of conditions, including ADHD
Exercise may somehow activate the brain's normal pruning processes dubbed "the brain's garbage collectors" by getting rid of inactive connections
Doctors diagnosed David Elston with autism at the age of three and told his parents he would likely never speak. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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