A reckless driver has been banned after dashcam footage caught him flying ‘Dukes of Hazzard style’ through the air after hitting a roundabout.
Ryan Lamb, 18, was recorded in his van vaulting an A11 roundabout – sending his vehicle spiralling through the air.
The teen, from Beck Row, Suffolk was found guilty of dangerous driving at Norwich Magistrates’ Court yesterday (1/8) after he denied driving a motor vehicle dangerously.
Lamb was heading to Sundown music festival at the Norfolk Showground when he crashed his van on the ‘Stag’ roundabout on the A11 at Attleborough September 1.
The shocking footage showed a silver Citroen Berlingo van hurtling along the dual carriageway.

Lamb, who was 17 at the time of the accident, then fails to stop and launches into the air as it strikes the cambered edge of the roundabout.
He was yesterday disqualified from driving or obtaining a license for 12 months, was ordered to do an extended retest, pay £310 to the CPS cost, complete 80 hours’ unpaid work and pay £85 victim surcharge.
Sentencing him, chairman of the bench Jim Agnew said: “Your driving fell far below the expected standard of competent and careful driving.”
The court heard, Lamb was travelling with two passengers in the car at the time and suffered only cuts and bruises.
Lamb, who is unemployed, had only been driving for three months at the time of the crash.
Speaking previously, Motorcyclist Andy Daynes, 35, who caught the footage on his helmet cam while driving behind the van, said he was “shocked” when he witnessed the crash.
Andy, of Hingham, Norwich said: “I was actually on my motorbike behind him so I saw it all. I pulled over along with some other drivers to see if he was OK.
“It is quite a bad roundabout, he just didn’t see what was coming because he was going so fast.
“The driver had a few cuts and bruises but the ambulance came straight away and took him to hospital.
“He just didn’t see the roundabout coming.”