I want to start this by dispelling a common myth. Men don't shop. When we have a demand for an item we find the quickest route to get to the appropriate supplier. Shopping is the carnage that happens in between, and we don't have the patience for that! For anyone who has been unlucky enough to experience Oxford Street on a Saturday you will be well versed with the familiar cloakroom clusters and door lingerers that are the men of the shopping World. The...
Well, that was quick! Summer’s gone, and that can only mean one thing for teachers. OK, 2 things. First, we don’t have to hear one more wit making reference to the length of our holidays until next July. Honestly, do these people write to their expensively assembled Premier League teams they support implying footballers should train at least 9-5 every day to earn their £80,000 a week? No, but they still buy the XXXL replica shirts, don’t they? But I...
If you think Jeremy Corbyn is a clown or a total waste of skin, it could be too late for you - you’ve already been brainwashed by a handful of foreign billionaires. We all agree that newspapers play a crucial role in British democracy, but what is troubling is that the majority of the UK press is owned by a handful of right-wing billionaires, most of whom don’t live here. In fact, almost 80 per cent of our press is...
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