An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. Bosses of the company were filmed talking about using bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs and sex workers.
The murky world of big data and using social media to spread political messages to millions of people, raises more questions on the ethics and safety of the on-line world.
Cambridge Analytica has been accused of using the personal data of 50 million Facebook members to influence the US presidential election in 2016. In the undercover footage they claim to have been influential in other elections across the world.
A whistleblower spoke to the Observer and told how Cambridge Analytica ,owned by the hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and once headed by Steve Bannon, used personal information taken without authorisation ito build a system that could profile individual US voters, and target them, hoping to make it more likely they would vote for Donald Trump in the US presidential elections.
Their website claims the company can provide data and insights to “drive your voters to the polls and win your campaign” and it played a “pivotal role” in winning US presidential races.
The company denies any wrongdoing. Watch video, below.
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