
Confused reactions as Guardian publishes article claiming even Germany envies UK

Not quite the article you would expect to read in the Guardian, but these are strange times.

Last week German daily Bild  expressed “envy” at Britain’s roadmap out of lockdown.

In a self deprecating article by Ed Cumming he admits “For diehard Remoaners like me, all this endless good news about jabs and carbon emissions is pretty hard to take.”

He adds: “The self-loathers hadn’t had it so good since Suez. But this year life is increasingly bewildering. The test-and-trace fiasco was comforting. It proved that when the Tories combine public money with private businesses, an orgy of cronyism ensues. Yet the vaccine programme has turned out to be a slick collaboration between hard-nosed businesspeople, big pharma and the academic establishment. . It’s almost as confusing as Gillian Anderson playing Margaret Thatcher.”

The highest death rate in the world and billions of pounds that have gone into friends of Conservative pockets don’t really get a look in in his piece.

There was a lot of confused people on Twitter trying to work out what this article means. It is light-hearted but not everyone has taken it that way.











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Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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