By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Viva Fidel! Cuba celebrated Castro's 88th birthday yesterday and he famously survived 638 assassination attempts – the Americans tried so many ways that they had to get creative. Here are his top 10 assassination attempts 1. Poisoned milkshake. The attempt went wrong when the pill stuck to the freezer where the waiter-assassin at the Havana Hilton was supposed to retrieve it. When he tried to unstick it, the capsule ripped open. 2. Mafia – 1st...
By Leanne Dempesy @leanneysbabble At this time of year, with university a distant memory for many and job-hunting no longer seeming like a myth that adults made up to scare us, the future is in the minds of many. As easy as it would be to ignore the alarm and stay in bed in the morning, that just wasn’t what we went through three years of university for and whether you like it or not, it’s time to get out...
By Richard Benson Director of Guide London - @GuideClothing It’s no secret that fashion works in cycles. When flicking through the pages of a glossy magazine or simply walking the streets of London, we often get a sense of déjà vu — a sense that the gorgeous attire on display isn’t completely new and original. Whether it’s the return of tie-dye or the skinny jean, trends never really die. And, while we’d prefer to think the string vest and dodgy...
By CJ Lampard I was pretty proactive with screening because my maternal aunt had breast cancer, but when I asked my radiographer “what do you think” and his sharp intake of breath confirmed the worst, I was totally unprepared for the complete shock I felt. Our adopted sons were then 8 and 11 and my first thought was that I didn’t want to die and abandon the boys – they had already had the upheaval of adoption in their young...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Nearly three-quarters (73.4%) of the professionals who responded to the 2014 Morgan McKinley UK Working Hours Survey say they are working longer than the hours stipulated in their contracts. Among Finance Senior Contract personnel, more than 92% stated that they work more than their contracted hours. Additionally those in Finance Senior Permanent roles, the figure is 84%. More than half of respondents say that they are more productive outside of their contracted hours and this...
By Steve Taggart Year after year new fitness crazes emerge, each full of promise to keep you motivated and fit, but unfortunately very few ever really end up fulfilling these hopes. Whilst 2013 was dominated by dance fusion classes such as Zumba and Pure Barre, 2014 is undoubtedly the year of HIIT. HIIT training is effectively a workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less intense activity, or rest. Its popularity is derived from its...
By Helen Sadler My daughter Josephine’s own medical experiences inspired me to create a special character that has gone onto help many children and families across the UK. Whilst I was pregnant with Josephine, she was diagnosed with Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM), meaning there were cysts growing in her lungs. This was obviously very worrying news and at that stage we wouldn’t know to what extent her condition would affect her ability to breathe until she was born. Fortunately,...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Most of us have sat down to eat after a long hard day's work, and the phone rings. Reluctantly you answer it, and the person on the other end of the line is trying to sell you double glazing, offering PPI refunds or the classic “have you been in an accident in the last…” Well new research in England has discovered that northerners receive more of these calls then people down south, with Geordies getting the...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The UK has seen a 21% increase in number of beauty-related businesses in last four years says Barclays. The number of beauty businesses in the UK has risen by over a fifth in the last four years, according to new data from Barclays Business. Barclays has seen a significant increase in the number of small beauty businesses since 2010, in addition to a 24% rise in the combined turnover of these businesses over the same... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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