Timothy Arden

Timothy Arden

Professor Jonathan Haslam

Making Sense Of Russia: The Career Of Professor Jonathan Haslam

Respected as one of the world’s greatest living authorities on the Soviet Union and the Cold War, Professor Jonathan Haslam is readying to release Hubris, a detailed account of the origins of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here, we profile the international relations academic, who says the conflict is only happening...

Helen Hanison

Why People Get Stuck In A Career and What To Do About It

Coming from a corporate background, leadership coach and career transition expert Helen Hanison knows first-hand the suffering that can come from being stuck in a job that doesn’t bring fulfilment. It’s motivated her to write new bestselling career guide Unstuck to help people purposefully redesign their career and life.

Dr Niamh M. Middleton

Only A Feminine Touch Can Fix The Church Before It Becomes Extinct

Feminist theologian Dr Niamh M. Middleton has repeatedly warned that both the Church of England and Catholic Church, which have seen dwindling congregations for decades, face extinction within 30 years unless they radically reform to give equal standing to women. Here, Dr Middleton, author of Jesus and Women, explains why...


Reinventing Democracy by David Kauders

If the state of the UK, and the political landscape, makes you despair then Reinventing Democracy: Improving British political governance by David Kauders will restore a sense of hope and taste for change.

Elixir by Phil Cleary

Elixir by debut author Phil Cleary is a brilliantly executed and intelligent political thriller where the discovery of a life-extending drug could prove fatal for all those involved.

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Death of a Union by Andrew Wood

Death of a Union by Andrew Wood is a gripping geopolitical thriller that brilliantly connects the bloody miners’ strike of 1984 with seismic shocks to the nation 40 years later.

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