WATCH: Voters in Hartlepool say they voted Tory because of NHS and police cuts
"Political illiteracy benefits those in power. We really, really need to educate people about how political systems work," Otto English said.
"Political illiteracy benefits those in power. We really, really need to educate people about how political systems work," Otto English said.
Cuts to policing have contributed to a feeling of lawlessness fuelled by drug and knife crime, five former Scotland Yard chiefs have said. In a letter to the Times, the former top brass warned the police service’s resources had been “drained to dangerously low” levels. The letter, which was signed ...
Kelly Mary Fauvrelle was stabbed to death at her south London home on Saturday and medics are desperately trying to save her baby son.
Photos reveal a series of weapons, including a 'zombie' knife, Rambo knives and a samurai sword. One photo shows more than 50 weapons, including Stanley blades and scissors seized across east London.
Theresa May has come under fire from the Police Federation after she claimed that cuts to police funding has nothing to do with the increase in knife crime. In England there has been a 93 per cent rise in knife attacks involving young people. Theresa May vowed to tackle the ...
The UK public spending watchdog have said that Ministers are not aware of the impact of funding cuts on the police service. The National Audit Office called the approach to funding the police force are “detached” and “ineffective” from the demands that law and order staff face on a daily ...
The PSNI chief constable said a dramatic reduction in the number of police officers risked leaving the force ‘unrecognisable’.
The public accounts select committee has warned that the public is losing its confidence in the police to do their jobs, due to the severity of cuts to the force. This confidence has been “severely dented” the watchdog said. The committee concluded police are taking longer to charge suspects, fewer ...
Police chiefs in England and Wales are considering taking unprecedented legal action against the government in order to block plans to deduct hundreds of millions of pounds from their budgets, the Guardian has revealed. The National Police Chiefs Council has sent a formal letter to the Treasury saying it will ... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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