Corbyn fined £100 for filing his tax return late

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Jezza was slapped with a £100 fine for filing he tax return for 2014/15 on Feb 6th missing the Jan 31st deadline by quite a long time. Corbyn declared an additional income of £1,850 which included earnings from lectures, taking his total pay to £70,795 and he paid a total of £18,912 in income tax. A spokesman for Corbyn blamed a “busy few months” after he was voted in unanimously as opposition leader in September. This...

Esther McVey gifted £530-a-day taxpayer funded job after being kicked out as MP

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Esther McVey has just landed a £32k a year job (£530 a day) pad for by the taxpayer, only six months after being kicked out as an MP. The former jobs minister will now be chair of the British Transport Police Authority AND hold down a part time role with a lobbying company. Her new role is Chair of the British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) and was given the role by former colleague Transport Minister...

Sadiq Khan claims PM has made London world capital for money laundering

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Labour Mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan has claimed that the Government’s abject failure in dealing with UK-administered tax havens has meant that the super wealthy can launder money, with impunity. Allowing the laundering of money through London has ramped up house prices as the dodgy money is invested in bricks and mortar in an attempt to clean up the cash. Khan claims said:“My worry is London is the world’s capital for money laundering and we have...

VIDEO – Tory MP snipes at “low achievers” who are not millionaires

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The best way to look out of touch, is to stand up in the Commons and tell the House people who are not millionaires are “low achievers,” you would have to be really out of touch to do that. Well Tory millionaire MP Alan Duncan did it today. He said that criticism of Cameron would mean a Commons filled with “low achievers,” AKA you and I. The Rutland MP was defending the PM over his...

Watch: How Much Does Britain Pay The EU?

Claims and counter-claims about how much it costs the UK to belong to the European Union have been rife in the run-up to the referendum in June, with both sides of the debate cherry-picking the statistics that support their side of the argument. To clear the debate up, The UK in a Changing Europe based at Kings College London has created an animated video that highlights the claims and counter-claims about how much it costs the UK to belong to the European...

Watch: Dennis Skinner Kicked Out Of Commons For Cameron Jibe

Labour MP Dennis Skinner was kicked out of the House of Commons this afternoon for calling David Cameron "dodgy Dave". Speaker John Bercow asked Skinner to withdraw his use of the term "dodgy", but the MP remained resolute. Pointing at the Prime Minister, he said: "This man has done more to divide this nation than anybody else. He's looked after his own pocket, I'll still refer to him as Dodgy Dave". Watch the full video here:

Boris Johnson Earned Almost Ten Times As Much As Corbyn in 2014-15

The tax returns of Britain's leading politicians, made public following the Panama Papers leak, has revealed the Conservative MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip Boris Johnson earned almost ten times as much as Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Personal taxation forms of David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have all been released to the public following a week-long dispute over the Panama leak which revealed the Prime Minister owned offshore shares in a Bahamas-based investment fund set up by...

Cameron to be questioned over claims of new £72,000 secret shares

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor David Cameron will be making a statement to Parliament after his tax affairs revealed he may have sold off another huge amount of shares back in 2010. He will be questioned about a new stash of shares worth £72K according to the Mirror. Cameron has already admitted he sold off £31k worth of shares from his stake in his late father’s shady offshore fund. Currently Downing Street are staying tight lipped if there are other...

David Cameron “Effectively” Inherited £500k Without Paying A Penny In Tax

David Cameron "effectively" inherited half a million pounds without paying a penny in tax, it has been revealed. The PM received £200,000 from his mother after his father's death which will only become liable to inheritance tax of up to 40 per cent if she dies within seven years of handing over the money. The records show two £100,000 payments were made a year after Cameron inherited £300,000 from his father. Had he received the half a million pounds in one lump sum he would...

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