Farage's best polling performance shows him winning no more than 37 per cent of the vote in Clacton. He can be stopped.
Laser-focussed, anti-politics: Ed Davey is gaming the very system he wants to get rid of.
There’s a black hole waiting to be filled by the one demographic that wants to be taxed more.
Nigel Farage will take inspiration from our North American cousins to orchestrate a reverse takeover of the Conservative Party.
The Labour Party is adrift in a sea of broken promises before it has even taken office - will progressives be forced to find a new home?
National Service proposals are the ultimate insult to a generation that has been roundly trounced by their elders.
Far from being a masterstroke in timing, this is an acknowledgement that things can only get worse for the beleaguered Conservative Party.
In this exclusive interview, Vladyslav shares his background, the pivotal moments that shaped his career, his thoughts on the intersection of artificial intelligence and art, and his vision for the future.
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