Treylance, a white glove freelance service, hits the UK design market

Freelancer task-time management and performance quality will be monitored by a project manager. The client will receive the three best design approaches to choose from and progress with. There’s no doubt the UK freelance market is evolving at a rapid pace with currently around 2 million freelancers and the number will continue to rise. It contributes almost £300 billion a year to the British economy. With the current uncertainty in the British environment one fact that will prevail is the...

Employee Training and Development through e-Learning

Workplace dynamics are on a constant evolution, and technology has a significant part to play in it. Businesses and brands are focusing more on building their online presence and are utilising advanced apps and software in running their operations. To achieve their goals in this competitive web platform, it has become vital for companies to undertake staff training through e-learning tools. This has tremendously cut down the time and resources used for on-site training. Traditional methods of staff training are...

Using a European fulfilment company to handle your shipping post-Brexit

Whichever side of the debate you happen to be on, there's little doubt the Brexit is currently causing a large amount of turmoil for businesses.  A lack of clear plan or reliable information means that you might be put off starting your business if you're worried about shipping in Europe post-Brexit. But don't panic! Your business is still a perfectly viable option, and you can make sure that your customers throughout Europe can still get their hands on your quality...

5 ways Publishers can make the most of RTB

As we are facing increasing amount of data going through media area, it becomes important for advertisers to understand how to use the opportunity they were lucky to get as much as possible. Traditional advertising, as any other approach, has its pros and cons. One should understand that it is quite expensive as a certain part goes for commission services for the networks. Also, inclusion of human factor shows that mistakes and miscalculations are more than just possible. RTB has...

Why business cards matter, even in a digital age

Whilst much of our business activity is now conducted over the internet, as of yet, there is nothing that can quite match the benefits that come from physical, and actual, networking. It’s one of the oldest and most reliable ways to build working relationships and for all its perks, it’s something that the internet doesn’t yet offer. In a classic conference or event situation, you’re bound to meet many new faces and it would be almost impossible to make a...

Why Learning Chinese Is Essential in the Global Market

China’s economy has experienced an astronomical boom over the past decade. Its contribution to the global economy is at its highest point ever. According to the last quarter reports on the Chinese economy, it has recorded its highest growth rate average in the last 30 years, and it is now the second largest economy in the world. It is safe to assume there is a growing opportunity for foreign companies to expand their business in China. But to create a...

Wristwatch Microbrands Reclaiming UK Customers in This Tech-Forward World

The localism concept has taken the world by storm. People want to support local brands, which has given rise to all sorts of microbrands. In the UK, it is estimated that six out of 10 consumers are looking for smaller, local brands as oppose to bigger brands. This movement has hit all sorts of industries, such as restaurants that sale local foods, local designers, and even local watchmakers. Many assumed that watch ownership was down, but microbrands have found ways...

How will Brexit affect the Printing Industry in London

If you were to ask 10 different economists how Brexit was going to influence any particular industry in the London metro, then you would probably receive 12 different answers. Printing industry is no different, where industry players have good arguments both for and against (some based on logic, some on emotions, but still). It's not easy to simply state local printers will feel overall positive or negative consequences from the UK's much talked about exit from the international community. One...

Fundamental Vs. Technical Analysis

Evidently, both fundamental and technical analysis are important for trading. But when talking to experienced, successful traders, there is often no agreement on which is more important. Nor is there a consensus on how much emphasis a new trader should put on each. Some traders will say they trade entirely technically, and only look at fundamental analysis for background. Others will largely ignore technicals and focus primarily on fundamentals. Who’s right? Well, a lot of that, of course, has to...

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