Charlie Mullins says he will run for Reform UK at the next general election
The Pimlico Plumbers boss, who was a fierce critic of Brexit, says he would be happy to join Nigel Farage's party.
The Pimlico Plumbers boss, who was a fierce critic of Brexit, says he would be happy to join Nigel Farage's party.
The home secretary has redeployed 1,000 staff who had been working on the Rwanda scheme into a new immigration enforcement programme.
Musk has been speaking privately to allies to ask how to remove the PM, who has been in the position for just six months.
Robinson had expected to “walk into Brussels like Connor McGregor” upon his election - but he ended up losing his £5,000 deposit.
"It's tough, but you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other."
The Revoke Article 50 petition reached 6.1 million signatures after running for six months.
The AfD have been described as being "far worse" than other populist parties in Europe.
Reform UK, after winning just six seats from 173 council by-elections, have accused Starmer of "running scared".
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