
Investment in technology pays off for care providers

Technology adds value to any industry and in many cases investment in technology brings superb rewards.  In recent years the care industry has been benefiting from technology all aimed at reducing costs, saving time and, above all, improving care. Care homes and hospitals throughout the UK are looking at technology to solve everyday challenges that overall ensure higher standards and levels of care are delivered. 

Driven by regulations

The UK care sector is one of the most regulated anywhere in the world. Isolated failing and misgivings in the industry have made headlines that made people stand up and take notice. It was not long before the laws around the care sector in the UK were overhauled to bring the industry and its players into line. Resident care and safeguarding are the number one priority of any care giving institution and the regulations around this are extreme, to say the least. For this very reason implementing a care management system is becoming a priority for any care home or hospital. 

Where does technology pay back?

The care sector, as with any other industry, can find value from technology with ease. Technology is finding its way into many areas of care provision and savvy care homes and institutions are beginning to wise up and reap the rewards. A simple example is care industry training where technology has made access easier than ever before and reduced the cost of training. This has a three-fold reward for any care home. Firstly, the cost of training is far less. Secondly, Carers can study and work simultaneously thus meaning costly lost days for training are eliminated and extra cover, while a staff member is absent, is not necessary. Finally, it has been noted that students are enjoying the online training, getting better grades and studying more. This means better care is given and that is the ultimate win.

Regulatory control

Regulations can stifle a care home and having a system that can help manage the rules and processes is valuable. The cost of not adhering to regulation is vast, in some cases, it can close an entire business and investment in technology to help manage a care home within or better than the guidelines of legislation pays off immensely. Reporting for care home has never been more regulated and keeping on top of this while besting managing the human resources in the system can save thousands of pounds every year. The function of some technology may seem simple but the hidden savings behind using technology can be significant and the improvement of overall care more so. 

Summary – The best care for any resident is often found in care homes or services where technology has been implanted. Technology that empowers carer ensures they meet regulatory requirements and frees up time and resources is where a return on investment is made and where everyone is a winner.

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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