Labour expected to increase inheritance tax
The government are trying to work out how to plug the '£22bn black hole' in public finances.
The government are trying to work out how to plug the '£22bn black hole' in public finances.
The upcoming budget will be presented as a longer-term down payment on “fixing the foundations” of the country.
VAT on private school fees, a crackdown on non-dom status and a proposed private equity raid will all be reconsidered by the Treasury.
The body has urged Labour to focus on addressing years of under-investment rather than fixating on its fiscal rules.
One contract that has been flagged was handed to a cannabis research company for £33 million worth of personal protective equipment.
Official figures showed higher spending on public services, while national debt hit levels last seen in the early 1960s.
"This £8 billion investment marks the start of the economic revival and shows Britain is a place to do business."
The ex-Chancellor was accused of making unfunded spending commitments and covering up a £22 billon black hole in the public finances.
If accepted, the deal will see junior doctors’ pay rise by between 3.71% and 5.05% – averaging 4.05% – on top of their existing pay award for 2023/24. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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