
Daily Express celebrates ‘Brexit triumph’ as crown stamp returns to pint pots

The shelves may be empty, the economy may be stalling and further unrest may be on its way in Northern Ireland – but according to a jubilant right-wing newspaper all is well, because the crown stamp is about to make a return to British pint glasses.

Declaring a “Brexit Triumph”, The Express posted news that the marking will “FINALLY” return to UK glasses after 15 years in a ‘blue passport’ moment for pub goers.

The stamp was replaced with a European Union symbol when an EU directive came into force in 2006m introducing the “CE” mark as the guarantee of the pint measure and shelving the use of any other markings.

At the time, brewing and pub companies urged the then-prime minister Tony Blair to act to allow them to keep the crown, damning the replacement of the mark which they said had been used since 1699 as a “needless intrusion”.

But following Brexit, British publicans will now be able to reclaim the marker, which is being heralded a triumph among those who campaigned for the split.

Speaking to The Express, a government source said: “We took back control so we could make decisions which work in our own best interests.

“Pint glasses may be symbolic, but it’s just a small part of a wide-ranging drive across government to establish the right regulatory environment to help both businesses and consumers in the UK thrive and succeed.”

Lee Anderson, the Conservative MP for Ashfield, was also delighted at the return of the crown.

He said: “This is one of the many benefits of Brexit. The first pint I have with the crown on will taste much better.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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