
UK Weather forecast, Monday 14 June 2021

Your daily weather forecast for the UK and London.

Overview for Monday 14 June 2021

UK Weather forecast for tomorrow:

Sunny and hot in southeast England. Band of cloud and some rain or drizzle over northern England and Wales sinking south and fading. Breezy with scattered showers in the north.

Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:

Fine and dry for most at first, but rain in the northwest on Tuesday. Very warm or hot in the south with thundery showers developing on Wednesday and into Thursday.

London Weather forecast for tomorrow:

Staying fine, with lengthy periods of sunshine. Feeling hotter than over the weekend in many areas, especially in coastal districts. Perhaps a little more cloud around later in the day. Maximum temperature 29 °C.

Special weather advisories:


UVB sunburn index:

Very High.

UK Weather Warnings:


Chance of precipitation:


Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:

Very warm with further sunshine Tuesday and initially on Wednesday, but with a risk of a swathe of thundery showers spreading northwards later and into Thursday.

Weather data provided by the Met Office. For a detailed forecast of your area, click here:

Interested in seeing the lucky numbers and horoscopes for the day, see them here.

UK Weather

Weather data provided by the Met Office. The Met Office is the national meteorological service for the UK. We provide critical weather services and world-leading climate science, helping you make better decisions to stay safe and thrive.

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