Categories: Business

5 ways Publishers can make the most of RTB

As we are facing increasing amount of data going through media area, it becomes important for advertisers to understand how to use the opportunity they were lucky to get as much as possible.

Traditional advertising, as any other approach, has its pros and cons. One should understand that it is quite expensive as a certain part goes for commission services for the networks. Also, inclusion of human factor shows that mistakes and miscalculations are more than just possible.

RTB has turned out to be the solution to clear the mess and lower the prices. its main approach is in paying for each impression separately, where the cost may depend on several factors when Advertiser are ready to pay even more and, vice versa, when they try to keep some part of their money.

There is no reason to be afraid of a new approach. Whether you like it or not, even traditional networks start acquiring new features.

RTB advertising is like a Wonderland for both parties and wise use of the tools programmatic ecosystem sill help not only to save money, but to reach the audiences you couldn’t even guessed they exist.

The variety of data of Real-Time environment is so huge that it may seem even difficult to see whether you are successful or not. No reason to panic – we are here to bring light and make it easy and enjoyable.

We have prepared 5 key steps for each advertiser to see whether his income from is maximum from rtb advertising.

  1. Your partners should have the highest scope of opportunities to satisfy your rtb data needs, including information about your competitors. The more you know about competitors, the better. Tempting information why other Advertisers may prefer them will be also of great use. This knowledge will help you to optimize your income of current campaign and offer new programms for new market participants.

  2. Insist on data being updated on a real-time basis. It would be better to skip those who reject this idea. Make sure, that your understanding of real time is the same as for your partners. There is such notion as speed-to-market, that means Publishers will not stand competition if their digital data is obsolete.

  3. Ask your partners which cross-platform they have and ready to offer you, thus, you will have more complex picture about your business. It may sound mystically, but you are very likely to find somebody who will help you to unite the results of all your activities on all the device types from different sources. As soon as it happens, you will understand how to use your resources, including pricing, wisely and you will be able to offer future Advertisers more tempting and profitable options.

  4. It is a must to have the tools from your partner simple and convenient to use. It is a good idea to have some analytics in your team, but such professional ae quite rare and, thus, can be really very expensive. Obviously, you will have to cope with the issue on your own and becomes crucial to have clear understanding about each tool you need. At least, you can teach your team and have all necessary information at hands any time you may need it.

  5. Push your partners to use innovations. All the innovations are results of demand from clients’ side. Don’t hesitate to ask something you need, but you see that your partner hasn’t learned about it yet. You may have to ask for several times, but it is important as all the parties will win from it.

Do you still have any questions about using data in rtb advertising? Write us to get detailed advice!

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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