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How To Make Your Child’s Bedroom Work For You

Is your child outgrowing their current room? Or are they having to share with a sibling soon? Having a bunk bed to free up space may be the answer. 

If you are having to think about upgrading your little one’s bedroom from their nursery or toddler space then you’ll need to start thinking about what you can manage with the least disruption to the kids as well as your bank balance in future years. It makes sense to think about designing something that will stand the test of time and an array of children’s toys.

Bunk beds are always fantastic way to maximise on the space you have available. Gone are the simple, basic, wooden structures. Now, thankfully, you have so much more choice! Modern bunk beds can offer storage and style alongside the reliable substance.

From bunk bed options to colours schemes and the oh so worrying what about storage space. There is so much to think about to make sure you get the bedroom right before the kids decide that’s not what they wanted in the first place!

Parents and guardians everywhere know that children seem to acquire a lot of ‘stuff’. Whether that’s toys and game, clothes and shoes or electronics, as they grow then so do their belongings. If you’re blessed with more than one child, then you’ll have even more things to contend with! 

Maximising the space you have available means that you, and they, can control to storage and make it easier to keep all of their things tidy. So what are your options?

Beds to Maximise the space:

With a whole childhood worth of memories (and maybe x 2 for siblings) investing in the perfect sleeping space for your child’s bedroom means that you’ll want a sanctuary where you can combine space and fun. You need to consider providing a space for siblings to share without having to deal with squabbles too often, individual storage (we all know how kids are possessive of their things),  and a space for learning and studying or an extra bed for those precious childhood sleepovers.

Will they need a wardrobe or a chest of drawers? Well, depending on your future plans it may be time to think about what they’ll need in the future as well as for now. A bed with under bed storage may be ideal but new ranges of bunks beds often incorporate some form of storage and have under bed space too. Shelving on each bunk is perfect for book nerds and well as having a safe space to pop a night light for those in primary school. Some bunks even come with a wardrobe incorporated into the end of the build which is fab if you want something that covers all bases and means more space is saved in the bedroom for play or desk space.

Colour me happy:

As children get older they’ll appreciate a bright appealing space to play in. We’re sure as parents you’ll love having less clutter in your living room too. It is a great idea to consult with your child/ren about what colours they like. We suggest making the walls as neutral as possible (especially if this is to be a shared bedroom!) and then give pops of colour by framing their favourite super hero (saving the walls from blue tack). We also love prints from Muthahood which can give a pop of colour while also sending a lovely message to your child on a a daily basis.

Another option is go for a statement wall in a dark colour and lighter on the remaining walls and ceiling. With navy blues all the rage at the moment it might be worth having one feature wall in this strong colour and lighting it up with white framed artwork. Get your children to draw themselves each year to pop in the frames!

Carpet or hard wood flooring:

This is down to personal preference but we all know what a mess young children can make so carpets laced with blue tack and paint might not go down well and will cost your a fortune in cleaning. Think about a laminate or hardwood floor that will stand the test of time. It’s much easier (and less expensive) to replace a rug to soften the floor then start all over again with another new carpet.

Personal Space:

Regardless of whether this is a room for one or a shared room with siblings you’ll need to think about whether it is time to talk about your child’s personal space. They’ll want to have some ownership over their room and it’s only fair that as they grown they also have the responsibility of their own space too. Invest in a wash basket and ask them to put their clothes in each night. Tidying up toys before bed is a must as who wants to crunch lego under their foot at a 2 am wake up?

When you start shopping for accessories for their room let them choose the little things – all what new bedding they’d like, what colour lampshade and if it is a shared space maybe designate a bedside unit each and get their name put on it so they know that piece of furniture belongs to them.

It is a great time to start them thinking about personal possessions, and if you haven’t talked about sharing yet now is a great time.

We all know how quickly children grow, you blink and they’re at school so keep it simple, invest in good furniture that will last but make sure those character stickers stay firmly off the wall!

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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