Why the UK government is trapped in a spiral of economic decline
Liz Truss was right to quote Seneca in her resignation speech. Her problem was that she dared to do the wrong things. Who will dare to do the right things?
Robert Shotton is a UK citizen, trained as an economist, resident in Belgium.
Most of his profession career was as a European Civil Servant. He worked in urban renewal, energy policy especially energy efficiency, regional development policy especially EU funds in Greece, Finland and Sweden, and also, health policies and consumer affairs, including health emergency planning at European level.
Since retiring, he has worked as an advisor to the European Commission for regional innovation strategy for recovery following the financial crisis in Greece 2012-2013, and subsequently, for an NGO promoting financial services meeting the needs of economically struggling families.
Liz Truss was right to quote Seneca in her resignation speech. Her problem was that she dared to do the wrong things. Who will dare to do the right things?
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