Jess Young

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

Fleet Telematics – The Nuts And Bolts

Vehicle fleets play a critical role on a daily basis for many different companies. If a particular vehicle isn’t available when a member of that company needs it, they can’t do their job. Along with the impact it has on the running of a company, operating a fleet also involves...

All about electrostimulation

Electrostimulation is a technique widely used in the field of fitness and aesthetics, which promises many physical benefits, but it is also very controversial. This gives rise to many doubts and the practice of which must be guided and controlled by professionals. This electro-fitness equipment, mainly by means of electrical...

Past and present London in images

Like all cities, London is constantly changing. New buildings are always being erected, whilst others are torn down. Once-scruffy neighbourhoods have become gentrified and are suddenly desirable places to live. Cities are constantly growing, with immigrants from different countries and cultures helping shape the identity of the city. Here are...

How Apple Reinvented Customer Service

Regardless of the nature of your ecommerce enterprise, customer service will be a key ingredient in your success. Remarkably though, online stores are at something of a disadvantage in this regard because face-to-face human interaction is not possible. Your customer service team must become adept at helping people remotely, while...

What is the best way to learn SEO?

Learning SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can be a confusing task: there is no one way to do it. Due to the fast-paced nature of technology, the ins and outs of optimizing your content might also change over time. For this reason, it is important to maintain an open-minded and diverse...

7 Ways Investors Can Make Money In a Volatile Market

The stock market has been swinging in and out of stability for years.  Worries over global issues, the domestic economy, international economy, and international relations all impact the US stock market.  With of these factors in play, it’s no wonder that periods of high volatility are to be expected. While...

The Difference Between PEO Services and Payroll Management Services

There are a number of ways to outsource your payroll or even your entire HR department. There are really two different kinds of services out there. One will handle all of your payroll needs such as paycheck processing, taxes, timekeeping, and document tracking. However, there is another type of service...

What is a shamanic healer and why have they become so popular?

For centuries, indigenous cultures have honored their shamanic healers as the bridge to spiritual healing,providing healing and blessings that help cure all manner of ills, both physical and spiritual. Throughout the world’s cultural history, the shaman has been consulted for both practical and pragmatic solutions to the everyday problems we...

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