In Pictures…Seals up close and friendly

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor 

Wonder what a safari guy does in his time off? This seal dive in Cape Town was just the ticket and Simonstown seemed like a perfectly good place to launch the boat from bearing in mind that’s the same place you launch to go out on a cage dive with great whites, especially seeing as seals are the great whites favourite prey species and you’re about to go in the water with them for the best part of an hour!

Having the time off from his safaris in Botswana, James Stenner of Barclay Stenner Safaris didn’t want these ‘coincidental yet slightly concerning facts getting in the way of a great wildlife experience’ which he always strives for either on land or under water seemingly.

The dive took place in April so not in the depths of winter yet cold enough to have to wear one suit over another. The shots were taken with a GoPro Hero 4, a refreshing change from photographing the lions and leopards of the Okavango Delta in the heat of the dry Kalahari desert.

The seals were cheeky, playful creatures and would often nose nudge your mask or nip a flipper to assert their dominance under water, great characters and amazing to interact with in their own habitat. Being in a landlocked country albeit working in the beauty of the Worlds largest inland delta and UNESCOs 1000th World Heriatage site, the Okavango Delta seeking out a nature buzz in an entirely different environment is how a safari guy enjoys time off obviously.

Check out for amazing safari adventures in Botswana and you can follow/like their page on Facebook : to look in on an exciting life in the wild. Also more images on Instagram account barclay_stenner

Joe Mellor

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