Telegraph columnist urges UK not to accept Palestinian refugees
Camilla Tominey's column has been compared to newspaper clippings from 1938 before the breakout of the Second World War.
Camilla Tominey's column has been compared to newspaper clippings from 1938 before the breakout of the Second World War.
There were also chants of ‘Free Palestine’.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said the ceasefire proposal was ‘far from Israel’s essential demands’.
The two Middle Eastern nations have been mediating months of talks between Israel and Hamas.
The Foreign Secretary called for the militant group to agree to a ceasefire while speaking at the World Economic Forum for the first time.
The incident has raised concerns about possible war crimes.
The Foreign Secretary said the latest legal assessment left the Government’s position on arms exports unchanged.
A Nato report recently warned that around 210,000 people in northern Gaza are in Phase 5 famine, which refers to catastrophic hunger.
It comes as a letter signed by more than 600 lawyers warned the government that it risks breaching international law by continuing to allow arms exports to Israel. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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