
Most common solar panel issues and how to avoid them

Investing in solar panels is one of the best decisions one can make if one is in support of change in the world or agrees with transforming the planet into a sustainable one. In addition, one may be able to reduce energy costs significantly. Because solar panels may provide power for up to 20 years, they can lower or even eliminate energy costs for homes, companies, and other establishments. Over time, solar panels have grown in popularity, affordability, and efficiency. More and more individuals are being able to adopt new technologies thanks to them. The public’s awareness of the problem of climate change is growing, and many are looking for fossil fuel substitutes. But just like everything, there are drawbacks to purchasing solar panels.

Severe weather impacts, including strong winds, hail, and lightning strikes, can affect solar panels. This damage may impact the solar energy system’s panels and their electrical connections. Strong, tempered glass, used in the construction of solar panels, can withstand severe weather as they are designed to withstand winds of up to 140 mph. However, some panels are tested under conditions of intense rain and wind. These panels are composed of monocrystalline silicon. Rain usually has little effect on your solar panels. They could assist you in organically cleaning the rubbish in the panels and compacted dirt. Rain also has a reflecting quality, which draws more sunlight to the panels and increases their energy output.


Birds may harm solar panels in two different ways. They mostly physically harm the panel by trying to peck at it or by locating a hole and making a nest there. Second, the panels may get spoiled and less effective because of their droppings. The birds who build their nests in and around solar panels can injure the panels themselves, the wiring and the cabling. Moreover, the debris including dust, feathers, droppings, and nesting materials affects the solar panels’ efficiency. Preventing birds from entering the area beneath solar panels is the most straightforward method of solar panel protection. Hiring a professional that provides quality bird and pigeon proofing of solar panels in UK with specially designed meshing is the best course of action. This safeguards against damage to the equipment, wiring, cables and the roof.

Potential-Induced Degradation (PID)

PID is a common occurrence. It is a phenomenon that occurs when there is a voltage fluctuation between the voltage generated by the panel and the voltage generated by the earthing wire of the solar panels. To prevent it, have your panels inspected regularly and make sure the person installing it is a qualified professional.


Technological advancements have made an important contribution to the industry, and one of them is developing ultra-thin solar cells. As this aids in the development of more efficient solar panels, the downside is that they are prone to damage. The best solution is to make sure the transportation is handled with extreme care and safety to prevent this during the installation.

Hot Spots

Hot spots occur whenever there is an issue in energy production. At most times this is caused by electrical issues such as badly done installation or when there is a wire breakage. They can lead to a power loss and even worse, it might be the cause of a fire. To protect against hot spots, make sure your panels are inspected regularly by a skilled professional to make sure all the connections are tightly fixed and that there is no loose hanging component.

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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