Categories: Politics

‘Patriot’ Farage chooses America over Britain

Nigel Farage has confirmed he will not be standing in the July 4th general election for Reform UK – signalling that he will be focussing on the contest in the United States of America instead.

The party’s honorary president said in a statement posted on X on Thursday: “I have thought long and hard as to whether I should stand in the upcoming general election.

“As honorary president of Reform UK, I am fully supportive of Richard Tice’s leadership and urge voters to put their trust in him and Lee Anderson.”

He added: “I will do my bit to help in the campaign, but it is not the right time for me to go any further than that.

“Important though the general election is, the contest in the United States of America on November 5 has huge global significance. A strong America as a close ally is vital for our peace and security. I intend to help with the grassroots campaign in the USA in any way that I can.”

Farage recently told TalkTV presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer that he has a “firm job offer” on the table related to Trump’s US re-election campaign.

In an interview with the broadcaster, the ex-Brexit Party leader Farage said he’s been offered the chance to “indirectly” help the Republican candidate’s fresh bid for the White House.

“I do actually have a very firm job offer on the table from America, which is very, very tempting,” Farage said.

“It’s a confidential offer, obviously, but it would be very heavily involved with the election campaign. Obviously, who becomes president of America matters.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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