
6 Creative Office Layouts For A Fun-packed And Productive Environment

Planning a fresh, new layout for your office? Changing the layout of your office doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. A change in office layout can aid in a fun yet productive environment. Whether you plan on moving to an entirely new location or attempting to improve the existing one, changing office layout can have drastic changes to the overall workplace environment.

How does a change in office layout help?

With change being the only constant, it is imperative that you come up with creative ideas that keep your employees pumped up and productive at the same time. An upbeat office layout can help you become the coolest boss without breaking your bank.

Here is how office layout change helps you and your employees:

  • Reduce Work Stress
  • Increases Employee Communication
  • Effective Use of Floor Space
  • Lowered Operation Costs
  • Free Work Flow
  • Enhanced Employee Morale
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs

Are you inspired yet?

Well, here you go with some of the best office layouts that can be crafted with the use of standing desks and office chairs.

1. The Newsroom Design

With flexible seating, open space, and desk clusters, you can create a fantastic newsroom design. This works well for groups that do not have much time to book a conference room for meetings. The trick here is to bring together individual desks together. You can opt for standing desks such as SmartDesk 2 – Business Edition from renowned sellers. Remove all the room dividers and cubicles to create a conference room look. Add some comfortable & flexible options for seating. You can either add bean-bags or office chairs. 

Key Features:

  • More Open Space
  • Flexible Options for Seating
  • Clustered Desks in the Centre of the Room

2. The Startup Layout

If you have plans to inspire flexible habits for work along with free-thinking options, the Startup layout shall work best for your office. Even if you are a well-established company, implementing this layout can add to the fun aspect of typical startup firms. This helps your employees expand their creativity. Incorporating a range of standing desks with office chairs from e-commerce websites such as is the key. Depending on your budget, you can either pick the SmartDesk 2 – Hybrid Edition or SmartDesk DIY Kit.

Key Features:

  • Couches plus standing desks in the Break room to instill an upbeat work environment
  • Ergonomic Use of Space
  • Easy-to-move desks with laptop slots

3. The Library Layout

The library layout works well with a workplace that requires constant focus. Not every workplace benefits from the continual buzz in the workplace. This layout gives your employees the peace and isolation they want. You can still make it a fun workspace by adding a few sleek office chairs available at You can pick from a range of flexible and supportive chairs which include the Kinn Chair, ErgoChair 2, MyoChair, and AvoChair. You can roll-in the standing desks to help your employees work while they communicate with their teammates. The library layout is a mix of both individual workspaces with a modern sit-stand desk converter.

Key Features:

  • Privacy Screens
  • Sheltered Cubes
  • Ample Space between Cubicles

4. The Artist Loft Design

A creative and highly visual workplace, the Artist loft layout involves pushing together single desks that form long and horizontal rows. It is perfect for highly visual and creative work such as video editing, picture editing, creating presentations, etc. Whiteboards aligned with the perimeter of the office tend to encourage innovative ideas that flow freely. Even when the employees aren’t involved in similar projects, they might find inspiration while observing each other’s presentations or sketches. Such setups work best with the ErgoStool by If you are planning this setup for your home office, you can add in the SmartDesk 2 – Home Edition which renders both robust health and smart career choices on the go. Make sure you create a color pop effect with bold colored furniture that represents an artist’s space in the perfect way.

Key Features:

  • White Boards
  • Long Galley Desks
  • Color Pop Setup

5. Innovation Lab Layout

The innovation lab layout serves correctly for offices where the colleagues tend to push one another to bring into picture the most significant idea for your firm. Creating projects, serving clients, and doing everything with innovation are some things that perfectly suit this office layout. With chairs that support your backbone and avoid unwanted stress, you can discuss and work on ideas for long durations. For such spaces, you can pick office chairs from sellers such as With the innovation lab layout, the idea is to place around 1 or 2 screens that create privacy which is inviting as well.

Make sure you create terrific idea banks with bowls that hold small paper pieces with ideas provided by employees.

Key Features:

  • Inspiration Boards
  • Casual Spaces for Meetings
  • Idea Bank

6. The Light-Packed Layout

If you are an office manager with a small budget, you can use the light-packed layout for your office. This layout creates an airy and spacious look for your home while you add a few little tweaks here and there. Instead of going with cubicle setups, you can choose to add designs that allow more light to seep in. Using standing desks helps space look more vibrant, young, and open to entry of natural lights. Apart from adding more mirrors, lights, and reflectors, you can use natural light sources in the best way. Standing desks from are designed ergonomically to save space while providing you access to excellent health. 

Key Features:

  • Happy workers
  • Synthetic Light
  • Natural Light
  • Green workspace

Bottom Line

Office furniture tends to play a significant role in enhancing the productivity and fun element at the office. Fresh new setup inspires new ideas and motivation to work even harder than before. Adding comfortable chairs or standing desks to the scenario is similar to the way you spice up your favorite dish. So, plan your office layout change soon with sturdy and trending furniture from sellers like Order your favorite standing desk and office chair today!

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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