
Life is Busy so Seize the Week With a Good Plan

Nary a person in the U.S. is able to avoid the fact they have busy lives. That’s understandable because each person has three lives they need to worry about. They have their work lives, family lives, and what is leftover becomes their personal lives. The secret to being happy is to figure out how to integrate and navigate these lives while creating a minimum of stress.

When you think about how busy you really are, it might leave you feeling a little bit overwhelmed. You don’t need to feel that way. The fact is there are things you can do to keep your busy days organized and more manageable, which should help keep you focused on your priorities.

In an effort to help you address how to deal with your busy days and nights, we are providing the following five tips.

1. Prepare a Plan

You will notice that the people who seem to get rattled by the fact they have too much to do are the same people who fail to plan. They simply approach their day-to-day lives as though they are flying by the seats of the pants. That’s a bad approach to navigating a busy life.

If you want to feel like you have control over your time, you need to plan each day and try to stick to the plan. Your plan should dictate time estimates and address your priorities. As far as when you should do your planning, the best time would be right before bed with the electronic devices retired for the evening. Under those circumstances, it would easier to focus on the task at hand, which is developing a viable plan for the next day.

2. Stay Active

Believe it or not, it takes time to go from being inactive to then trying to become more active. It’s best to efficiently use your energy so you can stay active each day until it’s time to go to sleep.

When working, you are forced to be active. You need to be as efficient as possible so you can conserve some of that energy for your family and your personal needs. As far as your priorities, you can’t afford to become lethargic during family times. There is a saying, “the family that plays together, stays together.” Whenever the opportunity arises, you and your family should be out there in the world, experiencing the good things in life together as opposed to experiencing things as individuals. You should never be too busy for family.

3. Focus on Things Outside Your Sphere

Every day, you got your mind on your work, your family, and your needs. Certainly, that is what keeps you busy. However, there is one other thing you need to consider. You are part of a community and that is something you don’t want to neglect. After all, your community is the infrastructure that supports your life.

A great way to refresh yourself is to do things for others. You would be amazed at how much fulfillment you can get from helping others and being an important part of the community. The best part is a little effort could go a long way. Just an occasional donation to a local charity or buying a meal for a homeless person adds value to the community in which you live. It also adds value to you as a person who cares and is able to see the bigger picture.

4. Learn to Relax

One of the primary reasons people get stressed is because they don’t know how to relax. They go go go until the stress builds, then find themselves depleted of energy. That’s a bad way for anyone to try to live.

Relaxing means doing something for yourself. There is absolutely nothing selfish about you wanting a little time to do things that give you pleasure. If you like to read, you need to find time to read a book. Watching a favorite TV show or going to the movies alone is very acceptable as long as it helps you relax. A few minutes a day of “me time” can make a huge difference in helping you get through your busy days.

5. Improve Your Sleep

Every person needs three things in order to cope with their busy day-to-day lives. First, they need to eat right. Good nutrition leads to good health and good energy levels. Second, everyone needs time to exercise. A healthy body keeps people from having downtime due to illnesses. Finally, everyone needs a good night’s sleep.

For what it’s worth, a good night’s sleep has a different meaning to different people. For you, a good night’s sleep will be as much sleep as you need to feel refreshed each morning. When you feel refreshed, the prospect of facing another busy day in your life is going to seem a lot less intimidating.

For most people, this means getting roughly eight hours of sleep each night.

So many people struggle to get the recommended eight hours of sleep every night. Sometimes they turn to sleeping pills or medication for help. Before you turn to medication you should try changing your mattresses to a newer hybrid or a memory foam. This could be the difference of getting an extra bit of deep sleep that is much needed.

It can be very difficult for some people to get a good night’s sleep when their day-to-day life is so busy and

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